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5 Takeaways: Dec. 3 Kirk Cousins Presser

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There has been a lot of talk about what Kirk's contract could or would be - So I took a shot at what it look like. In hindsight, the two areas that might be low due to my team friendly bias - the signing bonus might be low, but it's 5 yrs. If the bonus is higher I think the contract is shorter. And the guaranteed money is probably low - that is clearly my team friendly bias :-) 


Let me know what you think.


Some will be apoplectic by this but the following is IMO likely to be what the contract will look like below:


It's a 5 yr, $80M contract with $35M Guaranteed. He gets paid up front but it's team friendly on the back end. We get to decide when he is at 30 what we want to do.


Year Age   Base             Signing        Roster      Workout

                  Salary             Bonus        Bonus          Bonus        Cap Hit        Dead Cap

2016  28   $3,000,000     $2,000,000   $1,000,000   $400,000    $6,400,000

2017  29   $10,000,000   $2,000,000   $1,000,000   $400,000   $13,400,000 $30,000,000

2018  30   $12,000,000   $2,000,000   $1,000,000   $400,000   $15,400,000 $18,000,000

2019  31   $18,800,000   $2,000,000   $1,000,000   $400,000   $22,200,000 $4,000,000

2020  32   $20,000,000   $2,000,000   $1,000,000   $400,000   $23,400,000 $2,000,000    

                      $63,800,000    $10,000,000    $5,000,000    $2,000,000   $80,800,000

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Those all look to be pretty reasonable numbers, Go. I think the team might do an option at the third year. If they rengotiated at that point before exercising the team option then they also get an extra year they can add for spreading the cap hit on. They may have to shift some of the backend to the front.


How much of an option? Maybe $25M and maybe $8M or so from your 2019/2020 numbers spread out over the first three years. Options always have an element of risk for both sides but like I sad they can always renegotiate wth new money plus the option value. If he's playing well the team is obviously going to keep him around.


Not to say that they would keep him for all of those additional seasons, just a way to still get him his dollars and giving the team a savings on the future cap hit.


If the Redskins have an up & coming QB, but not ready to start, exercise the one year option. With possibly a new QB ready to start, they don't have to pay a guy whose going to wind up on the bench for $20M. Not a knock on Kirk - it's just that stuff happens (ie RGIII).


I do think that the Redskins need Cousins more than he needs them today. It'll be a lot easier for him to get a gig than it will be for the Skins to get a quality QB without paying a FA a pile of dough.

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Hail Johns - I agree with most everything you said.

the only small difference is that I think we need each other equally. It might be my admitted pro-team bias. I  agree it's easier for him to get "a" team. However, how many of them are not dumpster fires that are desperate?  


I have not looked at length but off the top of my head, the teams you would consider needing QBs are:


1. Philly - dip Kelly should be gone. If not, they have the money but is he a fit there? He and Bradford are similar in style and he has been really bad. Robert would probably be a better fit for them. More importantly, they need more than a QB to be successful.


2. Atlanta - Matt Ryan may finally be done there, even with Kyle's help. Alfred Morris is very likely to be in Atl next season, Cousins could follow him. Looking at their cap, releasing Matt only gives them $5M. They are projected to be over the current cap by $4M which is expected to increase by $10M. Not sure Atl can put a good enough package together.


3. Cleveland - They have the cap space but are a complete disaster. Would he really want to go there for a few $Ms? I don't think so.


4. Titans maybe? - I think they like Mariota, so not sure they are I nth hunt.


5. Houston - They were more of an option easier in the season. But they are winning with Hoyer pretty well now.


6. SF 49ers- They are disaster right too. Not sure he would take that.


I know there are more but I just don't see a combination of cap space and decent team situation. But it only takes 1 other team interested and contracts go much higher. It should be interesting.

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I would add the Rams to the list. They can't be pleased being the 31st ranked passing team. And they'll be at about $111M against the cap next year, so plenty of space left over. Granted part of that is due to a lack of receivers but part is also on the QB play. Like you said it only takes one team of interest or even the fear of one team by the Skins. 


One way or another I don't see Washington not getting something done and Kirk doesn't seem to be to concerned about it.

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Totally agree.


I can't believe I forgot the Rams!  Is it not funny as **** that after fishers classless act of sending out the draft picks as captains, that they are playing like crap. What have all those draft picks done for them?


They have still not made the POs sine the trade!!  He is such a ****ing tool!

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