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WMD when it is PC


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strat....you're trying to convert the clueless....why bother? they are non-participants, ogglers on a street corner peering over the shoulders of a line of fellow street urchins..........spitting abstractions like "we the people" as though this had empirical content...........best leave them alone, unengaged, comfortable in their rage as "citizens"...........

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Originally posted by fansince62

strat....you're trying to convert the clueless....why bother? they are non-participants, ogglers on a street corner peering over the shoulders of a line of fellow street urchins..........spitting abstractions like "we the people" as though this had empirical content...........best leave them alone, unengaged, comfortable in their rage as "citizens"...........

fan62 you are so right. The shame is there are many good folks who are/can be/will be duped, that's sad!:( :(

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I still think they got a stash of weapons somewhere. I mean, how would we ever find them, if they were buried under some body of water, or in a mountian. We may never find anything, but I still think they got sh!t. If the we had to hide weapons from UN inspectors, we could do it.

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Originally posted by RiggoDrill

Hey Mike. I have nothing against you personally. I know you're a Mac-addict like me, and that you strive for independent thought.

However, you have challenged me to read your sig. Thus I will ...

Here is the premise! Let's keep reading ...


Which threat have we destroyed?

Terrorism? Nope, still rampant ...

WMD? Nope ...

North Korea has The Nuke ...

Iran is close ....

Pakistan has The Nuke and millions of pro-Osama people

Inhuman carnage and suffering? Which threat again??

Which menace? You haven't defined it still ...

Perhaps Tony Blair should have given leadership when 800,000 people protested in London against the war, instead of uttering misleading and deceitful tripe like this.

Let me make this simple for you. Let's fire up the time machine shall we, and go back to before the war started.

A lot of people including Clinton and other Dems came aout and said there was a threat. The fact is there was no way of knowing anything for sure because Iraq was not cooperating with inspectors. What little cooperation they were giving was only because we were poised to attack.

So what do you do? If you are smart and you are gambling with the future of your nation you chose the safest course.

On one hand if Iraq has the WMD and helps Al Quada obtain them because we did nothing, they would surely be used against the US. On the other hand, if Iraq does not have the weapons and you do act, the worst you have done is remove a ruthless dictator who has started several wars, killed millions of Arabs including his own people and was funding and training the PLO. Is any of this sinking in?

This does not even touch on the fact that Iraq WAS hiding the means to rebuild it's weapons programs. Is there any way of knowing that Sadam would not have helped Al Quada obtain the WMD it so desperately wants? This year? Next year? The year after that? The answer is a resounding NO. Whether the threat was imminent or not, the threat was real. A chemical, biological, or nuclear attack three years from now would be no less devistating than an attack tomorrow.

Tony Blair was right. History would not forgive the man who allowed such a threat to come to fruition. History will forgive us for removing a scumbag like Sadam.

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Originally posted by codeorama

I don't think a sample makes a WMD, but that's just me.

You can look back at some of my old posts. I questioned Bush on the issue because he dicked around. IF these WMD were really such a threat, he put our country at risk waiting and waiting for who knows what. If there is a serious threat to our country, you don't announce to the world that we are going to do something eventually, you do it. THAT'S why I never felt this war was justified on the grounds of the WMD front.

Code. I like you buddy but this makes NO sense.

How did he "dick around"? It takes time to build a force up to go to war. There are logistics to think about. Whether we anounced it or not the whole world is going to know if you start moving that many troops into position.

As for a sample not constituting WMD. If that sample is used to create more of the same, then it sure as hell is a WMD. And the fact that he was hiding the means to restart his weapons program should sure as hell set off some warning bells.

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and feed him for life.

The moral?

What is more important? Possessing the WMD or possessing the means to make more any time you want?

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