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Kornheiser's remarks on point and fair in this WP article


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Tony K. is just plain old right on this, but I have noticed that amid all the UF signings and would be signings, these players are at least doable and cover some sore spots that at least get the ball rolling, instead of running in place!<br /><br /><a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A29648-2002Mar2.html" target="_blank">http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A29648-2002Mar2.html</a>

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He doesn't break any new ground with this, but it does sum up most of my thoughts pretty nicely.<br /><br />I wonder how much of this snapping up Spurrier's former college guys is a result of the cap. I mean, if you're forced to look for diamonds in the rough it makes sense to get some guys you already know well. But if Spurrier had the choice of, say, Jeff Garcia and Shane Matthews, would he still go with Matthews?

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I don't begrudge Spurrier the use of his intiimate knowlege of some of the lower tier" guys.<br /><br />Its a bit of an advantage to know these guys have performed for the coach in the past.<br /><br />Its an advantage that wont last.<br /><br />But <br /><br />Like Kornheiser said "they better work out"

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I was searching for an old Westbrook thread to post this part of the article (in vain!)<br /><br />but its instructive to those Apologists for the man ....(which I am not):<br /><br />" If, as is said, Spurrier values repetition and precision in his passing game, why keep Michael Westbrook? He hasn't run the prescribed route in seven years. (What a bust Westbrook has been here. Norv Turner thought Heath Shuler and Westbrook would be Aikman and Irvin. Instead they were ham and eggs. Inescapably, Washington sports in the '90s spun around the outsized hopes and crushing disappointments of Shuler and Westbrook, and Webber and Howard.)"

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