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What's on tap for your 4th of July?


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When I was a kid in Hyattsville, we used to be able to buy M-80s, cherry bombs and all manner of explosive amusements. Safety concerns ended most of that up North.

When I moved to Tennessee in 1982, I was pleased to discover a part of America that didn't go overboard about safety - fireworks are sold year-round down here. (After all, God gave us hands with lots of extra fingers on them) You can't get M-80s, Silver Salutes or Cherry Bombs any more, but you can get almost everything else. So we shoot off our own fireworks and the police will look the other way unless things get destructive. I may go fishing during the day (unless it creeps past 95 degrees), but we're doing firecrackers tomorrow night.

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I'll watch Jimmy Cagney in Yankee Doodle Dandy to get the mood going. Our next door neighbors are throwing a block party so there'll be plenty of burgers, dogs, BBQ, watermelon and beer. My buddy Michael is the entertainment and promised to let me sing with him one set (mostly Buffett tunes) so that should be a blast. Hard to beat Beer and Buffett.

I'll head in around 7 PM and watch the Capital 4th (it'll be 9 PM in DC) and then take the kids to see the fireworks live. Too bad every July 4th can't fall on a Friday so we get a couple days to recover.

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Enjoy your cheesburger in paradise Jimbo!


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The 4th of July is my daughter's birthday. My sister is throwing her, and the rest of the family and friends, a party. From her condo in Rossyln we will walk to the Iwo Jima Memorial where we will watch the fireworks at the mall from across the river.

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KMP, "What are YOU doing ?" ...Is that supposed to be a line from a Bud commercial ? Have you gone Indian on us ? laugh.gif

Me on the 4th ? I'll be posting on the ExtremeSkins board. Just kidding. Actually, I'm going to a party with my lesbian friends. Then going to see a magician.

P.S. If you have any camcorders to donate to my lesbian friends, you can send them to me. I'm an official rep for CCFL. (see Man Show if you don't know what I'm talkin about)

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Yeah Mick, a Redskin by another name is an Indian.


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My other half just came back from helping take care of her sister's kids while her sister was in the hospital so after two weeks I get to see some early fireworks.

Baby back ribs, crabs, german and italian vino then watch the fireworks near the monument



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It's the white sand beach of Sanibel Island early in the day for us. I should get to fish, and play with my RC truck. Bug out before the afternoon storms hit, and go to a family party at my uncles house. Then down to the river to watch the show around 8:30. Then home to light up the area a bit.

Carl, Fl is the same way with the fireworks. I have a stoor right up the street from me. They have a buy 1 get 1 free deal. Me, that stoor, and a charge card, are a very bad thing. I dropped 150.oo bucks.

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I would give an arm to be where Pete, believe me!!!

We did discover however, that the Former Ft. Bnejamin Harrison park area has re-newed the Fireworks and Rock concert program for tommorow. My girl works across the street, so when I rolled up to get her, we saw the setup taking place. That whole area has been worked for something like 20 soccer fields and business park, so parking is available up the ying yang.

Chiling with Reisling Spatlese, a soft picnic, recreational wine, with all the usual 4th trimings, "dogs", "burgers", "tuna-mac", ritz, soda,etc, etc, etc. Will lay off the beer, until -----8:30pm biggrin.gif:

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da -Daaaaa, Da Da Da Da-Da Da Da Da Daaaa

Terry's night out aint' bad, love that amusement park man!

Hey Tennessee, that is where we'd go and pick up our cherry bomb stash, but we also had those "Ash Cans" lined-up. Later in my years, we'd go down to the Monument, and on our way down there from Constitution Avenue we'd line up cherry bombs at the bus stops.

[<IMG SRC="http://www.extremeskins.com/ubb/edited.gif" border=0> by indyskinsfan on July 03, 2001.]

[edited.gif by indyskinsfan on July 03, 2001.]

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Hey Indy, the trick is to use a delayed fuse. I blew up a friends mail box 4 times in 1 week that way. He never caught on that it would happen about 5 or 6 minutes after I would show up at his house.

Poke through a lit cigarette, slide the fuse in, and plant the sucker. It always worked well in the girls room in school.


[edited.gif by Pete on July 03, 2001.]

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Flash Back: July 4 1979

I was 18 at the time. 3 friends and I had just left a 4th of July party. My bud Dino was drivin his older sisters 73 Duster, I was shotgun, Joe and Mike were in the back seat. We came up on a group of guys walking, who had hassled Joe two days before. Mike figures it would be a good thing to flip a M-80 out the window while driving by them. Now 73 Plymouth Dusters didn’t have roll down rear windows, so when he tried to throw it out my window, his hand hit the head rest, and instead of the M-80 going out, it dropped between my legs. The term "Unic" came to mind in a split second, and I just about died on the spot. I flicked it to the floor, and some how dove into the back seat. Dino threw the car into park doing about 15mph, and dove out the door to the street. It let go just as I cleared the seat. It took a minute or two for me to realize that the noise was actually in my head, and that I was in a smoke filled car, not a Cheech and Chong Movie (Up in Smoke).The car wound up half on an old womens lawn. So we climb out, now laughing our butts off to find this little old women standing there yelling (I think she was) in some language I never heard. We get the car back in the street, and we're about to go, when a cop pulls up. Thank God, he was a friend from another FD, and was able to sweet talk the women, and let us slide. Except for 3 guys that couldn’t hear very well for 2 or 3 days, and some scrapes on Dino, we got lucky, big time. The car was another story. It blew the speakers in the dash, and a big chunk out of the carpet. She had a slew of those little magnets you get from the machines on the dash, which were turned into a million magnetic pieces.

Besides laying out some cash for the repairs on the car, and a little yard work for the women. We all got suspended from the FD for 15 days, and 2 months of KP, on the grounds of stupidity when the captain found out. Said we were "as dumb as a box of rocks"

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laugh.gif You ever thought about writing screen plays Pete??

Better yet I might name you "McGyver" laugh.gif

I like that one about you thinking it was in your head and the "Unic". I take it you mean those guys like in old Manchuria (inside China) who had their P_ _ _er whacked for the good of service and the Emporer?

I could have used an M-80 tonight to get traffice moving on I69 here. There was a "ONE HOUR" delay to go 5 miles. Either the police and city works got a huge pay-off for someone to have a special night with the Fireworks (we saw the whole show, since it took so long) or there was a really bad accident. Haven't heard a single thing, but did notice when I got my exit, there were earth movers scooping some serious loads of dirt and debris - hey maybe somebody got to them before I did, huh? laugh.gif

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For my part. I'll be working from 10 to 4 frown.gif But that will leave me plenty of time to get to my pal Tony's for volleyball, followed by stuffing myself with chicken, beer, ribs, beer and potato salad. And beer. Afterwards, a short constitutional to the U of MD for fireworks.

Oh and Carl, I'm happy to report that the kids of Hyattsville/College Park/University Park are still risking their body parts with M80s and cherry bombs. You could hear them everywhere as soon as it got dark last night.

Happy fourth, everybody!

[edited.gif by Fitzman on July 04, 2001.]

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im so very insulted as a member of the aboriginal american community that you would call us indian or redskin i find it very offensive and am saddened by your lack of political awareness oh wait a minute no im not. anyway canada day was on the first and herein edmonton it was a riot literally (see the edmonton journal for details) i about died laughing when some midgets (dudes under 5-10)acossted myself and a ladyfriend with the intention of relieving us of our monetary acoutrements so i asked if they had a gun when told no i relieved them of 70 dollars after delivering a severe beating to the ringleader.they went and summoned a bicycle cop and after hearing an eyewitness acount he laughed at them and rode away.



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Best laid plans ...

Our Fourth consisted of running like hell from the @%#-ing lightning first, then the Independence Day Monsoon later. And if that wasn't bad enough ... did it sober.

Set up our little portable picnic table (cool), in prime seats in front of the bandstand @ Falls Church (VA). Huddled under umbrellas w/ the 3 munchkins and Lady, waiting out the first set o' cloudbursts. Abour ½ hour, I'd guess. Then, took advantage of a short break to wolf down sammiches & such, then soon thereafter huddled under umbrellas again during the 2nd set o' cloudbursts. About another ½ hour, I'd guess.

Retired to the car, finally, to wait out the appearance of Big Brother Lightning. No fools, we.

After another ½ hour or so, in car full of wet people, told by passing cop in full Noah gear that fireworks cancelled. Looked around. Looked at wife. Looked over shoulder and deftly calculated potential for kinder meltdown in back seat. Merged (very, very, very slowly) into traffic ... and eventually bolted (pun intended) for regions south.

½ hour or so ( rolleyes.gif ) later, inched way into another regional park (Prince William, for those keeping score), parked about as illegally as one can without actually spending the night in jail, hustled with Lady and (remarkably enough, still relatively composed) progeny to roadside clearing between trees where ...

"Look, Daddy! Look! Fireworks!" smile.gif

Fireworks ended ... rains came. Biblically. Made it to car ... but not quite in time. Youngest daughter not happy. Expresses her displeasure, leaving no doubt as to the depths of her woe.

Wet ride home.

Dog Who Hates Storms has prepared warm (steaming, even) greeting for Family Which Abandoned Him One Too Many Times Whilst It Thundered. Spilled can of paint (don't ask), watered down furniture in kitchen/dining room (you wouldn't think a 42 lb. dog contained 42 gallons of ... well, never mind).

When we open gate to kitchen to begin cleanup process, Dog Who Hates Storms, being ever-so-happy to see us, dances around in spilled paint, makes outstanding open-field move to leave tackler (moi) grasping air, and parades with great glee around living room -- wall-to-wall carpet notwithstanding -- expressing his ultimate joy at our return.

An hour or so later, the kitchen floor freshly mopped, paint (mostly) removed, soaked picnic accouterments dried and put away, soaked munchkinry dried and put to bed ... Lady and I retire to our chamber, there to enjoy another healthy round of Holiday Cheer and a plethora of even more memorable Fireworks.

Yeah ... right.


Hope your Fourth was as much of a blast as mine ... smile.gif

[edited.gif by Om on July 05, 2001.]

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A couple of localities around DC had to put off the 4th fireworks due to the monsoon like rain. I didn't see one firework go off. Oh well. There's always next year.


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Bro, that's one for the books. I guess I got off lite with the presents from my 100 lb dog who also hates thunder.

I would also like to thank whoever invented mirrored sunglasses. The hotties swarmed the beach in force yesterday, and I never once got that "look" from the wife. Thank God they outlawed thongs in our county, for the eye strain would be great till the time the wife would insist we go.

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