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Franchise QBs: A Return on your Investment

Vilandil Tasardur

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I think you pay your qb if you think he's going to be worth it in the future. It's better to pay your qb and then find out he's not worth it, and cut him after you're convinced he's not worth it than it is to just let him walk and sign with another team and then goes on to be successful. The chargers were lucky they had rivers, because had he not panned out, they would have looked incredibly foolish.(still kinda do since he went on to win a SB and become one of the best qb's in the nfl)

The only time I think it's an issue is when the qb's play starts hindering the team, then you will have to reevaluate the situation. A QB who's paid like a top qb should be able to put a team on it's shoulders and carry the team regardless, if you can't do that you can't call yourself a tyre franchise qb. It's pretty simple, you offer your qb what you think he's worth. I think you offer him a completely fair deal with great incentives. Any real competitor will have no problem with that and it's a win/win for both sides if he achieves the incentives because that will mean he's playing out his mind.

I think the cowboys made a huge mistake signing romo to the contract they signed him to

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I guess I'm more optimistic than some.  I just don't see 10 as the egomaniac that would strangle the money for the help he needs.  I remember he said he was budgeting his lifestyle to live off of his endorsements & save his salary...that's one smart dude.  (And considering his wedding registry was handled by fans in the speediest fashion I've ever seen...LOL)...he wants to win, and he'll do what it takes to put the team together & make it happen.


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I like this a lot. And I wouldn't pay Griffin more than he's worth. And I believe he'll be worth it all.


But what happens if:


The 49ers and the Colts make the playoffs in the next two years. Maybe they each win a playoff game in that time span.

The Redskins have one season with no playoffs, and one season as another one and done in the playoffs.


Entirely out of our control, Kaepernick and Luck get paid 18 million a season (17% of the cap).

Robert Griffin insists he won't take a penny less.


I don't know. If you let him test free agency, someone will pay him. But how can you pay him that much when he hasn't performed like the other guys. I don't want a Stafford situation, where a guy doesn't even have a playoff win to his resume but if paid more than Brady.


It makes me real nervous.


 I think alot of it depends on his 'acceptance' by the fans in DC.  It would be absolutely great to see the Redskins hoisting the trophy named after a coach of the Redskins.

 But, I know and have witnessed how greed jealousy and money can consume a player. Griffin appears to have been raised to be better than that [ I surely hope he was ] and his attitude and positive mentality will do him good in the long run, as long as he doesn't end up with TO's agent.

There are players who have felt they are not going to make it to the Superbowl with the players on their team, and at that point the mindset can change. We've seen star players traded or signed with another team who has a chance to do this, and in cases the player took less money, because money wasn't their main objective.


But players always have people in their ears, chattering, muttering, whispering, you're carrying this team, you deserve the big payday, and when another similar player on another team gets that big contract, the stature and breaking point of that player is tested. They second guess their ideals on a big contract, and the extreme fans on both sides of the topic begin their discussion on why/why not, and before you know it, the media grabs their 55 gl helium tank and blows it out of proportion.


I do not think Griffin is a greedy type of person, but if playoffs are not in reach the next few years, doubters will set in, Griffin will hear the rumbles of Vick 2.0, and fans could turn against him, and his attitude towards the team could change, but lets just hope this will not happen.

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