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Redskins Park: Quotes - Mike Shanahan, Robert Griffin III, + Cowboys Coach & Tight End

Mark The Homer

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December 26, 2012

Redskins Park

Executive Vice President/Head Coach Mike Shanahan

On players who did not practice:

“[Dezmon] Briscoe – non-football injury, did not practice today. [Tyler] Polumbus, with a concussion. [London] Fletcher, with the ankle. Limited was [DeJon] Gomes with the knee. Guys that were getting treatment were [Lorenzo] Alexander, shoulder, [stephen] Bowen, biceps, [Pierre] Garçon, foot, [Robert] Griffin [iII], knee, [Ryan] Kerrigan, ankle, [Will] Montgomery, knee, [Josh] Morgan, hand, Trent Williams, thigh, and Josh Wilson, shoulder.”

On tackle Tyler Polumbus’ concussion recovery:

“That is why they have the concussion protocol the way they have it. He is checked every day. He was checked today and doctors didn’t feel like he should practice, so he will go through the process tomorrow and I can tell you more tomorrow.”

On wide receiver Dezmon Briscoe:

“To be honest with you, he was embarrassed and just missed the flight. So, that will cost him a little cash. He missed the flight back here.”

On safety DeJon Gomes:

“He was limited at practice. That means he practiced some.”

On if Gomes will play Sunday:

“I couldn’t tell you right now – second degree MCL. At his position, I can’t tell you, but the good sign is he was on the football field today in a limited role and that’s a positive. I have been with a lot of defensive backs with a second degree MCL that could not practice and missed two or three days, so that’s a positive sign.”

On how quarterbacks are defined by the way they play in games that have playoff implications or in playoff games:

“Well, to be honest with you, I think at the end of the day everybody is compared to winning championships if you like it or not. Is it fair all the time? Probably not. But, how you will be judged or ranked will be how you play in those games. They define you sometimes and if you like it or not, people will go back to how many championships you won.”

On if it is fair to define players by the number of championships they won:

“I don’t know if it is fair. Sometimes somebody doesn’t have the supporting cast and can be a great quarterback and they just don’t have the team that’s put together. But it really doesn’t matter when people look at the great quarterbacks, they go back to Super Bowls and championships. I know when I was with John [Elway], he did everything he possibly could. He had one goal and that was to win a Championship. He worked extremely hard to get to it at the end of his career. He knew he was going to be defined by those games and he was lucky enough to win a couple.”

On what advice he is giving to quarterback Robert Griffin III going into Sunday’s game:

“I think Robert’s been, not necessarily in a game like this, but when you prepare for a game at the collegiate level, at Baylor, and you are playing in a bowl game, or if you are playing over the last six weeks with our football team, you will understand how important each game is and how you prepare. I expect our football team to prepare the same way we have practiced the last six weeks – at a very high level. We understand the importance of the game and the attention to detail every day to get yourself ready, get yourself prepared. We are looking for the opportunity to play this weekend. There will be excitement in the air, but we are going to prepare the same way.”

On if Griffin III’s personality enables him to handle pressure situations:

“Well, like I said, you are usually defined by winning or losing and at the end of the day you are going to be compared to the greats. You are going to have to win some big games and we understand that. I love the way Robert has handled himself since he has been here. He doesn’t handle himself like a rookie. He handles himself like a veteran the way he prepares, the way he works, the intangibles, how important football is. That is all the things you look for in a quarterback and he has all those things. I am sure he is excited to be in this situation right now and looking forward to this opportunity to play an excellent football team. We know how far back this rivalry goes, and this is why you coach a game, and this is why we play in a game, for these type of opportunities.”

On if his prior coaching experiences have helped him prepare for potentially winning a division title:

“Well these are the games you are going to remember for the rest of your life. Win or go home. I don’t care what playoff game, when I look back, as an assistant or a head coach, you go back and think about the great experiences that you had or the bad memories that you had because you want to take advantage of these opportunities when they exist. They don’t come around every day. When they do come around you want to make sure that you play your best and you are prepared. You prepare yourself in the best possible way. The attention to detail is there – you can’t make mistakes. The concentration level has got to be there and that is the way it usually works during the week so those guys are ready to go on game time.”

On running back Alfred Morris’ growth this season:

“You know, I will be honest with you, he has been pretty consistent since he has been here. As a rookie coming in, the way he has worked, the way he has prepared, you know that is one of the reasons in the preseason I thought he was going to be our starting tailback – the way he ran the football, the knowledge that he had and the way he blocked. He had to prove to me through the preseason that he could block at a high level to earn, and be a three-down back, and he has been able to do that.”

On if he saw things in Morris in college that other teams did not:

“Well, to be honest with you, we took him in the sixth round. So, we are not that smart either. When you look back at him, you say, ‘Hey, he is a top player in the National Football League.’ There are a number of things that we liked about him and we are very happy he is on our football team.”

On linebacker London Fletcher:

“Well I am amazed. As I have told you before, I have never been around a player like him. The way he prepares, the way he works. The one thing about London is he will never miss a practice, even when he is hurting. So for him to miss as many practices as he has and to have a guy like London play with the injuries that he has to me is unbelievable because he can’t literally walk. Then to see him be able to play on game day and play at that level is something I have never had. Usually guys have to practice one to two days. So, he is really hurting or he would be practicing. He is a guy that hates to give any reps to any other player but himself, so for him to play at that level consistently really says everything about him. The more prepared you are the more comfortable you are in the situation and that is what he has done. He has worked extremely hard to prepare himself to play the game of football. He does it consistently, he works at it and he is prepared for it. The more prepared you are the more comfortable you feel in your own skin.”

On the relationship between Robert Griffin III and Offensive Coordinator Kyle Shanahan:

“I think when you have two guys that are very motivated, they want to be the best at what they do. It’s almost contagious between all of the quarterbacks and all of the coaches, but specifically between Kyle and Robert. You see time, you are spending 14 hours a day together, you are looking at film, you are going over game plans and you are talking about all of the things that go into getting ready for the game and you just get tighter and tighter. I can go back when I was a coordinator and the time that you spend with these guys is off the charts, and they wind up being your best friends over years. You get to know them, you get a good feeling for them, and you are going to war every week. You get the highs and the lows. Going through those lows are pretty tough and highs are easy, but it takes a lot to get there and the guys got to believe in one another.”

On how much input Griffin III has into Kyle’s play calling:

“I think you’ve got to have give and take all the time. You’ve got to be able to communicate. That’s when you have a great relationship when you can communicate with each other, and that’s what I think they’ve done.”

On trying to gauge whether or not players will be able to turn up their play on big stages:

“The things I’ve always looked for is guys that, No. 1, were very consistent in the way they practiced, regardless of how much money they make, regardless of where they were drafted – guys that came to work every day and want to get better. And if you’ve got a nucleus of a team like that then you have a chance to improve as a football team. And so you’re always looking for the intangibles, guys that will do anything they can to get better every day. If you get a nucleus of those guys, then you’ve got a chance once you get to the playoffs to do something once you get there. It’s something that, at least at times on the teams that I’ve been on, what separated playoff teams from Super Bowl teams or the runner-up teams is exactly that. I’ve been to a few Super Bowls that we’ve lost. People don’t remember the teams that lose. I can promise you that. They only remember the teams that win.”

On who he believes deserves Pro Bowl consideration:

“The one thing about the Pro Bowl is I’ll take a look at it at the end of the season and I’ll take a look at guys that played well enough to be in a Pro Bowl. A lot of times, the Pro Bowl, you get nominated when your team has success, and I understand that. And if you can consistently have success, then you have a number of guys that can make the Pro Bowl. So I’m hoping we’re starting to lean that way now.”

On if he has a list of players in mind that he believes deserve to be selected:

“Yeah, I do, but I don’t share it publicly. I don’t think it’s right… You pitch for your guys, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we had two, three guys, maybe four guys this year that would be in.”

On the stage of playing a rival for the division title in prime time:

“I think once you’re in the National Football League for any length of time, you understand that you’re going to be on stage all the time. Even if it’s not prime time, you’re going to be on TV. So I think a lot of these veteran players, they get used to it over time or veteran coaches, but you’re not always sure about the younger players, and so you’ve got to make sure that they’re grounded and understand that they’ve got to take care of the business at hand. Even though it may be a nationally televised Sunday night game, it’s got to be normal preparation where guys don’t get too high, they play at a certain level.”

On playing for all the marbles in Week 17:

“Well, I’ll be honest with you, we’ve been playing for all the marbles over the last six weeks, and we knew it. We sat down at 3-6 and we put the schedule on the board, what we had to do each week and how we had to concentrate and what the other teams had to do. But we had to take care of our business. We’ve been in that situation for a while and I think our players are used to it. So hopefully they can go into this game well-prepared and feeling like we can go get the job done.”

On if Griffin III will wear his knee brace this week and if it limited him against Philadelphia:

“You’d have to ask Robert for sure. I know he switched a few braces around during the week and the brace he’s wearing now is the one he felt the most comfortable with. I think always there’s going to be a little difference when you have a brace. I know a number of quarterbacks who I’ve been with who have worn braces their whole career. They had to for stability of the knee. It’s something that you get used to, but I think Robert is used to it now and hopefully it won’t affect him at all.”

On the play of tackle Maurice Hurt:

“I’ll be honest with you, I thought he played great. To ask a guy to come in that hasn’t played that position in the National Football League and to play at that level against some pretty good players, I was impressed with him both in the running game and the passing game. So hopefully that helped him and he’s ready to go if called upon this Sunday.”

On running back Evan Royster:

“Evan is a heck of a player. Like you saw the week before in Cleveland, it was just an easy run for him. Any time you get a guy that can average five-and-a-half, six yards a carry like he did last year, he’s got great ability. When you give him a little hole, he’s going to find a crease. He’s been consistent for us both in the running game and in pass protection. He does a great job of running routes and the game’s not too big for him. He handles himself with a lot of poise, a lot of class. [He is] the kind of guy you want on your football team, especially as a backup or a guy that if called upon can be your starter at any point during the year.”

On the chess match with NFC East opponents:

“You always look forward to the game. It’s like a chess match. Sometimes people change their offensive schemes, defensive schemes, and you’re really not quite sure until you’re in the heat of battle what’s going to happen from a schematic standpoint. But it’s a great challenge for our players. It’s a great challenge obviously for our coaches to get our guys ready, because this is what you work for the whole year. This is why you coach in this league. This is why you play in this league – for these type of opportunities. And you’ve got to take advantage of them and that’s hopefully what we’ll do.”

On if Polumbus had a setback:

“I don’t want to call it a setback, but maybe you do call it a setback. Anytime somebody is not clear, you know there’s some problems with the concussion. There were some better signs today, but not good enough to practice. I’m hoping tomorrow that since there has been improvement that those signs go away and he’s cleared to play, but I can’t tell you for sure.”

On linebacker Lorenzo Alexander’s chance to be selected to the Pro Bowl:

“I think this year he’s got a legitimate chance to make it because he’s been doing it for, since I’ve been here at least. For the last two years, I’m surprised he hasn’t been in the Pro Bowl. But if you can play as consistent as he has in the last couple years, I think he would make it. I’ll be honest with you, I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t because he’s been such a dominating force on special teams. Now, since I’ve said that, I’ve probably put the whammy on him, but coaches eventually see guys that make plays and he’s been doing that this year when he’s been double-teamed and sometimes triple-teamed. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for him.”

On opening up the playbook now that Griffin III’s knee injury has improved:

“Well, No. 1, when you do have an LCL and when you have that type of sprain and it’s a first degree, you don’t want to, first week back, you don’t want to put him into a normal game plan and you want to protect him a little bit. I still think he was full-speed, ready to go. We just chose not to put him in that situation. I think as every day goes and you see somebody more comfortable and more comfortable, you have a gut feel when you can do everything. I really felt like I could’ve done that against Philly. We just chose not to.”

On rebuilding the Redskins organization:

“Well, No. 1, you have to have the right people and if you have the right people – what I mean by right people, right character – you want people to believe in themselves. So if you don’t believe them, who believes them? But sometimes, you don’t have the depth... Like we lost last year. If you lose a guy like Trent Williams and Kory Lichtensteiger, then you lose [Chris] Cooley, then you lose Fred [Davis]... If you don’t have that depth, you really have a hard time competing. Now sometimes, I’m more proud of teams that fight and have a way to stay in the game when you don’t have, maybe, the depth and you don’t have the talent, but you do have the character. What you try to do when you build a football team is build some depth, build some character, build some youth. Every veteran player that we’ve got, they know that they’re here for a reason. The one thing I think our players know – it doesn’t matter if you’re a first-round draft choice or a second-round draft choice. It doesn’t matter how much money that you’ve made in free agency getting a signing bonus – that we will play the best players and we will cut players regardless of what they’ve made or where they were drafted that don’t fit into our organization or work hard. When the players know that, then I think you’ve got a chance for everybody going in the same direction and that’s what you’re hoping for.”

Quarterback Robert Griffin III

On how a winner-take-all game in Week 17 compares to other big stages on which he has played:

“It is the biggest stage. None of us are looking at this that way. It’s another game that we have to go out and win. That’s the way we look at it. Every moment in your life is the biggest one at that time, so we look forward to having many more of these, but we’ve got to make sure we take care of this one.”

On playing Dallas:

“For guys like myself, Alfred [Morris], Kai [Forbath], the other rookies, we’re fresh into this rivalry, but we can definitely sense how the fans feel, how some of the guys that have been here for many years feel about the Cowboys, and that’s the mindset we have to take on because we’re not just doing it for ourselves, we’re doing it for them. We’re doing it for the fans. I know the fans will make sure that the stadium is electric. It’s really exciting and we’ll definitely have a home field advantage.”

On handling pressure situations:

“Whatever you do – in basketball, a big game, in track, the finals, whatever it is – whenever you play the moment up too much, it can become too big to seize the moment. You just want to make sure you don’t make something so big that you can’t grab a hold of it. So I think a lot of guys are not necessarily downplaying the game, but are not going to talk themselves up like this is the most important game of our lives. We’ve just got to go out and win a football game. That’s what they pay us to do and that’s why we play.”

On if Washington is “creeping up” on the list of explosive offenses:

“I don’t know if we’re ‘creeping up.’ We’re handing it off to Alfred all the way up there, so we’ve been able to put up a lot of yards, a lot of points, all year. It’s not something you have to boast and brag about. Usually when people think of the teams that are great offensively, our name isn’t in there, but I think people are starting to realize that we have something special here. It’s not just our running game or our passing game, but it’s the combination of both.”

On what makes the offense difficult to defend:

“We have so many multiple things we can do out of the same sets, out of the same formations, just changing, trying to confuse the defense. You know, changing splits, all that kind of stuff makes defenses have to prepare for more things. They don’t have enough time within a week to prepare for all of that, so we’re going to get our plays and we have to make sure when we get those moments that we go out and execute the play, because they’ll have something drawn up that’ll be the perfect stopper for a play that we have. It’s not going to be that way every time. You’ve just got to make sure you get them more than they get you.”

On saying after the Carolina game that he thought the team was going to make the playoffs:

“It’s self-talk. You want to talk yourself up, but you don’t say something you don’t believe in. Going on the break, I told everybody I was able to clear my head and just know that you don’t have to freak out in a situation like that. As long as everyone takes the right mindset every game the rest of the season, we can win them all. We’ve done that to this point. We expect to go finish it. I think that’s just the biggest difference for the team all together is the mindset they’re taking to practice, taking that into the games. We’ve had a lot of guys grow up throughout the course of the season.”

On if there was one moment during the six-game winning streak when he realized this was possible:

“No, because after the first game after we won it, I just felt a different attitude from the team and it’s paid off.”

On if he notices a difference when playing in prime time:

“It’s all the same. As players, you know what time your game is. You know who is going to be watching that game, whether it is a one o’clock game or a night game. I think everybody takes that approach. Nobody wants to be embarrassed on national TV. So you usually have pretty good games in prime time games, and everybody is going to give it their best shot. We’ve just got to make sure we’re sharper than they are.”

On his knee:

“The knee is fine. Whatever I feel like I can do on that day, I will. I’ll be able to do more, to answer your question, I won’t dodge it. I’ll be able to do more against the Cowboys than against Philly, but we’ll see how that goes.”

On the impact of wide receiver Pierre Garçon:

“Pierre’s been awesome. A lot of people are saying when he’s in the game, he’s a difference maker for us. The way our offensive line is playing, myself, Alfred, all these guys playing the way that they are – playing up, playing fearless – Pierre brings that attitude to the receiving corps. All of those guys are playing really, really well. He just tops it off and gives us better depth at receiver. You know, he’s our guy. When he’s out there, we can move the other receivers around a little bit more. So it’s good to have him out there.”

On the past six weeks feeling like playoff games:

“I think that does benefit us. We’ve never looked at a game like, ‘Well, alright, we can lose and we’ll be OK.’ We’re not going to look at this game like that. We want to control our own destiny and it’s our job to do that.”

On what he told the team about this game:

“I told the guys not to play this up so big that you can’t seize it, like I was telling you guys. You’ve got to make it to where you approach it the same exact way you have the past six weeks and know that it’s for all the marbles, whatever you want to say, but don’t go out and play scared. You have to play like you have nothing to lose, which is what we’ve done the past six weeks and we’re going to continue to do that.”

On if quarterbacks are defined by how they play in games like the one this Sunday:

“I think it can be that way. Nothing definite in the league with how you’re going to be judged, but if you play big on a big stage, people tend to write good things about you. We all want to play well on the big stage or in a prime time game or in a game like this that comes down to the division. It’s like a conference championship game in college, but it just happened to play out this way that the last game of the year is a championship game and we have to win this championship.”

On if there are mixed emotions as a Texas native about potentially knocking the Cowboys out of the playoffs:

“None whatsoever. I was a Bronco fan growing up. I know all about the Cowboys. I’ve got friends that root for the Cowboys, but I was never… I didn’t dislike the Cowboys, but I was never a fan. I’m a Washington Redskin and hopefully I’ll be that for the rest of my life, and I plan on going out and getting this win.”

On his give and take with Offensive Coordinator Kyle Shanahan and the evolution of the offense:

“I think they’ve done a good job being creative with the playbook, not necessarily creating new plays but creating new ways to run the same plays. With the Pistol formation, we run all of the offense out of that, teams can’t just try to jump the zone read option or whatever. We run everything out of that. It confuses the defenses, so that’s been fun. Training camp and OTAs weren’t fun, but that’s because they knew a lot more than I did at that point and they still know a lot more than I do right now, but at least I can talk to them and have an educated conversation about the offense, whereas in OTAs, I couldn’t do that. So it’s been good. The creativity, the balance that we’ve kept, we’re going to run the ball and teams are going to have to try to stop the run. That’s what we do.”

On the possibility of making the Pro Bowl:

“It’d be an honor. You can’t play down those kind of things. I’ve always said my whole football career that you don’t play for awards. Those just come. You don’t say that you’re going to win the Heisman. You don’t say that you’re going to be MVP. You go out and prove it on the field, and if everyone feels that way, then they give you that award. It certainly would be an honor, especially as a rookie. Like you said, team success comes first, so I don’t play for awards.”

On the growth of running back Alfred Morris:

“We’ve all seen a lot of growth. From the first day we saw him until now, he’s not a completely different person, but he’s a completely different back. He was able to learn the offense and go through the bumps and bruises of a rookie trying to learn the offense as well. He’s got it down pat. He runs hard. We’ve always said it looks like he’s playing pee wee football out there. He never goes down and that’s just the way he runs. He takes good care of his body so he can take that pounding of 20-25 carries a game and sometimes more than that. So we’ve been proud of him and the way he’s been running.”

On if there was anything he felt like he couldn’t do against the Eagles last week:

“Nothing. We won the game. Limited turnovers. We made the big plays when we had to, and our defense stepped up big there for us at the end. It was a total team win. The way I look at it, I was able to go out and do what I needed to do to help the team win and not be a liability so it was a success.”

On being fined for his press conference following the game against the Baltimore Ravens:

“I think it’s safe to say I appealed that. We’ll see where that goes, but I understand the principle of that. I respect that. That’s why I haven’t really worn that much Adidas at all – three stripes. That’s all I can say about that.”

Cowboys Head Coach Jason Garrett

On how he’s pumping up his team while keeping his players level-headed:

“I think as much as anything else, you try to focus on the task at hand obviously. We have a ballgame to win. That’s what we have to do and certainly that’s what Washington’s trying to accomplish as well. So, there’s a lot of excitement that surrounds this game. There’s a lot of implications that surround this game but you’ve got to get focused on your preparation and playing your best football.”

On nose tackle Barry Cofield and defensive end Stephen Bowen:

“They’re just good football players. They play that 3-4 scheme. Cofield’s playing the nose and Stephen Bowen plays the end. They’re good at what they do. They’re good run defenders. In that scheme, typically, you don’t get great pass rush from those three interior guys, but they can affect the quarterback in the passing game and they make a lot of plays. We know those guys well. Stephen used to be here. We taught a lot to him when he was playing here. Certainly, we’ve competed against those guys. They’re a big part of their success on defense.”

On if quarterback Tony Romo sits to pee feels the burden of having won only one playoff game:

“I just think Tony’s focused on playing his best football. That’s what you have to do in these situations regardless of what’s happened in the past, good things or bad things. You just have to go in, your preparation has to be really good and you have to go try to play your best football. Tony’s not done anything different than anyone else in that regard. He’s going to try to play his best this week.”

Cowboys Tight End Jason Witten

On if quarterback Tony Romo sits to pee feels the burden having won only one playoff game:

“Honestly, I think he’s playing at a really high level now. Obviously, the criticism that will come is ultimately the obvious of until you win a championship or compete for that championship at that position. It’s always going to come. I thought he’s had a heck of a year. Really a four-, five-year stretch here, he’s played at a high level. His expectations for himself are so high that I don’t think he really gets in the way of all the other stuff kind of under-riding it. But ultimately, you always know what’s at stake and it’s part of playing that position. He really does a great job of embracing it. To be in this position, he has a lot to do with it because of how well he’s played.”

On if Romo sits to pee gets asked those type of playoff questions a lot:

“No. I would say the playoff situation is what it is. Trust me, we think about that a lot, but right now, I don’t even think that’s in anybody’s mind. I think it’s a mindset of we have one game to play and that focus is on winning one game and not all the other under-riding things, other than that’s what got us in this situation. We were a 3-5 team, much like Washington, and you just kind of have that one week approach and you battle through it to get yourself in this situation. Obviously, we were playing tough opponents who’s really hot and that’s where all our focus is and nothing more than that.”

On how the Redskins’ defense covers tight ends:

“Well, they mix it up. I think some of the times you’ve been able to get options. A lot of times it looked different just because we passed it so much because we were playing from behind. But I think [Defensive Coordinator] Jim Haslett does a good job of bringing a lot of different pressures. He doesn’t show a lot of tendencies. His linebackers cover you – [linebacker London] Fletcher and those guys. But then also, the secondary guys – the safeties and the corners. So, he does a good job of mixing it up. I feel like their defense is playing a lot better and they played us tough with the pressure they gave us. You’ve got to be able to adjust to it. I don’t know if there’s one thing I look at and say, ‘Hey, that’s what they do to try to stop it,’ but they do it a lot of different ways. I think a lot of it is up front. I feel like they can get pressure in the two-gap with the 3-4 system that they run that they can allow those guys to be in coverage and get safeties and linebackers on you. You saw it in the game on Thanksgiving – Fletcher had me, had me and then he just kind of drops off in the zone. They do a good job with disguising their coverages, giving us a tough time last time.”

On linebacker London Fletcher:

“I’ve got a lot of respect for London. He’s a mike linebacker that finds a way to be around the ball. He’s played a long time. He’s tough. He’s a leader. He’s smart and he makes plays. I don’t see him slowing down. The talk of injury, I mean he just fights right through it. He’s a true pro in every sense of the position, playing that way and really kind of an emotional leader for that defense. He gets everybody lined up... He understands offensive schemes and how they try to attack you. He’s playing really well. I’ve got a lot of respect for him.”

On linebacker Brian Orakpo missing most of the year and linebacker Rob Jackson stepping up:

“Orakpo’s one of the best in the league to do what he does and we have a guy here on our team very similar in [linebacker] DeMarcus [Ware]. But Jackson’s done a great job stepping in. He’s strong. He’s physical. He can create pressure. You don’t see that often where a guy, a perennial Pro Bowler like Orakpo goes down and then another guy comes in and steps in and plays really well. I think with [linebacker Ryan] Kerrigan on the other side, he’s tough. They play that position so well. They give pressure, they stop the run, they walk out and reroute in the slot. They do a lot of different things, but, I think that’s where their defense thrives because they can do such a good job with those guys where they can pressure off of that or they can stop the run. So, I think a lot of their success has been because of those guys.”

On linebacker Ryan Kerrigan:

“Well, I think he’s doing a great job. He’s always got a lot of raw ability. I think he’s smart, he’s tough, he’s dependable. But I think more than anything else he’s doing a good job in coverage. He seems comfortable. He’s a good football player. It’s hard to find those same linebackers that can do it all at that position. I’ve been impressed. I’ve always been a big fan of him, how hard and tough he plays. He can drop in coverage, or obviously, he’s more comfortable rushing the passer and really stopping that run.”

On not being able to lose another game:

“You hope not. Every experience is different. Hopefully, those experiences will allow us to be in a situation where you can find a way to win one game. But ultimately, the challenge is different and it’s a different team, different situation. Hey, it’s going to be a tough game. They’re a team that came down here and really put it on us early in the year on Thanksgiving. Early on, we had to fight from behind. But playing through plays, obviously, their offense and the way they attack, it’s going to be a fight. But hopefully those experiences allow you to be more comfortable in those situations. But hey, they’re going to be ready for these situations too. Their backs have been against the wall just like ours. For the last half of the season they’ve just kind of rallied it up with a well-coached team. So, we’re just preparing really well right now. It’s going to be a fight and hopefully we can match the intensity Sunday night.”

On if the team talks about the similar situation they faced last year:

“Yeah, I mean right now we’ve got a lot of guys in our locker room that weren’t on our team last season at the end of the year, but you know what that feeling feels like. Again, I can’t emphasize enough – our approach right now is nothing more than, ‘Hey, it’s a one-game season. Let’s find a way to win.’ That’s the way you prepare. That’s the way you play. It’s not to say, ‘Oh, we were in this situation last year and we didn’t succeed.’ Hopefully, those experiences make you better in these situations. But you’ve got to go out and execute. They’re a big challenge for us, looking at their defense, how you’ve got to execute. They’re going to have a good plan and attack for us. You’ve got to go cut it loose for three hours. And the team that does that is going to have a chance to win the division.”

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"I'm a Washington Redskin, and hopefully I'll be that for the rest of my life"

Me too

---------- Post added December-26th-2012 at 08:43 PM ----------

"I'm a Washington Redskin, and hopefully I'll be that for the rest of my life"

Me too

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On what makes the offense difficult to defend:

“We have so many multiple things we can do out of the same sets, out of the same formations, just changing, trying to confuse the defense. You know, changing splits, all that kind of stuff makes defenses have to prepare for more things. They don’t have enough time within a week to prepare for all of that, so we’re going to get our plays and we have to make sure when we get those moments that we go out and execute the play, because they’ll have something drawn up that’ll be the perfect stopper for a play that we have. It’s not going to be that way every time. You’ve just got to make sure you get them more than they get you.”

RG3: It’s like a conference championship game in college, but it just happened to play out this way that the last game of the year is a championship game and we have to win this championship.”

I love it!

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Another press conference and just another solid collection of answers from RGIII. I like how his answers are getting more concise so he doesn't have to spend as much time at the podium as he has been.

I liked Shanny's self depricating comment about drafting Morris in the sixth round.

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