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Defensive back help needed, but are all DB's in the Conversation?


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Quite frankly, I hope we go after Talib. But can anyone tell me why Stanford Routt is not notmonly in the B and G conversation, but in no one's. If he was able to make two starting rosters, what is so bad that he got cut twice? Should we take a chance?

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Quite frankly, I hope we go after Talib. But can anyone tell me why Stanford Routt is not notmonly in the B and G conversation, but in no one's. If he was able to make two starting rosters, what is so bad that he got cut twice? Should we take a chance?

Routt has been bad recently, not real coachable and not a high character guy that seem to be the players we have been targeting. He has had enough chances and had been let go, pass.

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What about Grimes in ATL? He tore his achilles in game 1 and is 30 yrs old, but that should keep his costs down hopefully. Before he got hurt this year, he was arguably one of the best CBs in football. He wont be franchised bc of his age and injury, and should be available. I remember us taking a flier on a "older" injury prone CB named Shawn Springs, and we got some good year out of him. If we could come away with Grimes and a lesser but still solid CB like Sean Smith in MIA I would be pumped. Cut Hall, extend Wilson to lower that cap number, and use the draft on safties and OL/DL/LB depth.


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What about Grimes in ATL? He tore his achilles in game 1 and is 30 yrs old, but that should keep his costs down hopefully. Before he got hurt this year, he was arguably one of the best CBs in football. He wont be franchised bc of his age and injury, and should be available. I remember us taking a flier on a "older" injury prone CB named Shawn Springs, and we got some good year out of him. If we could come away with Grimes and a lesser but still solid CB like Sean Smith in MIA I would be pumped. Cut Hall, extend Wilson to lower that cap number, and use the draft on safties and OL/DL/LB depth.


Grimes is set to make 10.2 million. Too much for a 30 year old off of achilles injury

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I thought Grimes was a FA? nd if he is making that much, I bet he'll be cut which will inturn lead to his free agency
He will be a free agent, doubtful he gets franchised, but also doubtful he takes a minimal deal. At this point I think we are bulding for the future with young hungry players to develop into a cohesive group. signing a 31 year old for a short term deal may not make sense. I agree we need tons of help in the secondary and I assume that it will be a big focus in the draft and FA. We still have to eat another $18 mil for the bs penalty next year.
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What about Grimes in ATL? He tore his achilles in game 1 and is 30 yrs old, but that should keep his costs down hopefully. Before he got hurt this year, he was arguably one of the best CBs in football. He wont be franchised bc of his age and injury, and should be available. I remember us taking a flier on a "older" injury prone CB named Shawn Springs, and we got some good year out of him. If we could come away with Grimes and a lesser but still solid CB like Sean Smith in MIA I would be pumped. Cut Hall, extend Wilson to lower that cap number, and use the draft on safties and OL/DL/LB depth.


Every part of this idea would make our cornerbacks more of a problem.
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I want Talib. I want to draft Jordan Poyer. Both a corner and a safety. can return punts and kicks, too. I happen to know the family. He could be a real asset. So, Talib, Poyer, Crawford, Minnifield, Meriweather, Jackson, Gomes and Bernstein. I believe above serviceable and closer to good with potential to be very good to great. Just let Darrell Green coach them. Didn't he offer? If so Shanny couldn't go wrong with that.

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Gotcha. I agree that we are building a young team and thats fantastic, but at the same time you can still add a vet to your secondary and sorround him with young players. Wilson is young, hopefully we sign someone else like Smith who is young, and if Grimes would be open to taking a 2-3 yr deal with incentives, I would jump on it.

I understand we have the cap penalty, but I am thinking that if we sign these 2 CBs, we can focus on depth at the other positions through the draft. We really dont NEED a whole lot of positions. CB, CB. FS, SS. Of course everyone would LOVE a big WR and RT, but look at the facts. Our offense has been one of the best in the NFL without Garcon most of the yr and a rookie QB. I would love to upgrade at WR and RT, but it is not completely essential. The secondary MUST be upgraded.

Even with the penalty, after we cut some bad contracts (Hall), restructure a few deals (Silverback), and extend some making cap numbers more friendly (Wilson) I have no doubt we will have some free cash to spend...not alot but some. Combine that with the fact that we can backload a contract or 2, and I am sure we will be okay.

---------- Post added December-20th-2012 at 09:23 AM ----------

Every part of this idea would make our cornerbacks more of a problem.

Can you explain? I would take Sean Smith, Josh Wilson and Brett Grimes at CB over our current group. How does this make our corner situation worse?

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Can you explain? I would take Sean Smith, Josh Wilson and Brett Grimes at CB over our current group. How does this make our corner situation worse?

You want to replace our best CB, who is playing pretty well this year, with an older more expensive CB coming off a major injury, extend Wilson, who has played pretty poorly this year and is too undersized to really play CB effectively and sign a CB who would most likely be no more effective than Griffin.

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1. Jarius Byrd. Please don't resign with Buffalo........

2. Cut DeangeloHall -- he's not worth 8.3 million in 2013 -- maybe bring him back at lower cost or use the money to sign a FA CB.

3. Keep Josh Wilson for 5.3 million.

4. Draft a CB, and S.

5. I guess Cedric Griffin is OK as a 3rd CB aside from the suspension... but we really need Crawford or someone else to develop IMO.

6. Pray that Merriweather comes back from injury,

We do have Minnifield, Merriweather, Bernstein, etc all coming back from injury but who knows what will happen.

I think getting back Orakpo, Carriker, Robinson, Neild, and other players from the front 7 will help significantly.

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You want to replace our best CB, who is playing pretty well this year, with an older more expensive CB coming off a major injury, extend Wilson, who has played pretty poorly this year and is too undersized to really play CB effectively and sign a CB who would most likely be no more effective than Griffin.

I am going to have to disagree with pretty much everything you said. Hall has played better the last 2 weeks, but he has played far from "pretty well" this year. He is consistantly ranked as one of the worst CBs in the NFL, and has a "good" name because he gets INTs (bc they throw the ball at him more and he is a gambler) Also he is making a non guarenteed 7.5 million next yr, he should get cut.

Smith is the one who I would sign to replace Hall. He is younger, bigger and better. He will probably come a little cheaper too. To say he is no better then Cedric Griffin is pretty far off.

Wilson has not had a great season, cant argue. BUT, he is younger and has played better then Hall this year AND last year. Combine that with the fact that he has played well in other places too (SEA, BAL). Hall has played like this everywhere he's been (ATL, OAK). Outsiders think he's good bc he gets INTs, but fans of the team all say how bad he is. I would also extend Wilson to lower his cap number next year, to see if we could spread it out since we need to stay under the cap penalty.

Grimes is a wildcard. No doubt he is coming off an injury, and a pretty serious one too. But if he realizes that and takes a shorter, incentive laiden deal, then I would jump on him. He has consistantly been up there as one of the best CBs in football throughout his career.

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