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We'll see how the old feeling does this week.


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Originally posted by spanishomelette

Hey Art,

In your other post you said you thought Ramsey was having trouble selecting the correct receiver based on the coverage presented (perhaps I remember incorrectly). Tampa will present the same coverage problems I would think.

Not at all SO.

The Bucs will not just run their brand of Cover-2 all day, but, they are largely a zone defense that does run a great percentage of Cover-2. The Bucs don't go about disguising things as much as the Eagles do and did. Their scheme is simple. They do what they do and you go try to beat it.

If you can block the front four, you can beat it. If you can't, you probably can't. They blitz some, but not a ton. More than we blitz, but, again, not a huge amount. They'll not go very often into man coverages with rolled safeties over the top. The Eagles did a beautiful job of changing things up and continually having a safety over whenever Ramsey threw. Very frequently though you could see if Ramsey had gone elsewhere he'd have been ok which means he just was not making the crisp, easy reads we've seen him make much of this season.

Tampa won't present the same sort of coverage issues because there'll be less guessing going on. We'll catch them in a specfic defense that we'll be able to have the right play on for somewhat frequently given the nature of that team.

As our line has not had a ton of problem with blocking the guys in front of them without blitz assistance, the key here is whether we can do the same thing to the Bucs good front. If we can't we're going to have a myriad of different problems to deal with. If we can, we're going to be fine.

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Thanks for clearing that up for me, Art. I somehow thought there were similarities where there never have been any. Kind of sleepy today I guess.

Anyway your explanation of their defense supports the feeling that you have because I can see now that the offense can have an easier time in this game especially if Ramsey is having an easier time.

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Originally posted by Atlanta Skins Fan

When I picture the Bucs game, I picture Roy from Siegfried & Roy, being dragged off by the neck "like a rag doll" by a tiger.

Other than that, looking forward to the game. :doh:

Very bad taste like some of my posts, couldn't help LOL!!

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Originally posted by Atlanta Skins Fan

When I picture the Bucs game, I picture Roy from Siegfried & Roy, being dragged off by the neck "like a rag doll" by a tiger.

Other than that, looking forward to the game. :doh:

Considering you picked us to beat the Eagles by a good margin, I'm wondering if we should take your negative feelings as a good sign.

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Originally posted by Die Hard

To beat the Bucs... you have to approach them with a smash-mouth attitude and intensity.

This team doesn't have that. When we beat the Bucs in 2000, we had revenge on our minds from the 1999 playoff game.

We're going to get mangled.

He said "mangled". HUH HUH, HUH HUH.

Yeah, "mangled"!

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