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Martin O'Malley: "Yes We Can Blame the GOP for Unemployment" More jobs were created in the private sector alone then in all 8 years under George W. Bush


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Now, I'm looking at the BLS's "total nonfarm" data, because I don;t see any data on there, for "total jobs". Maybe you've got some data that I haven't seen, that supports your claims?

Maybe I could take the BLS data for "total private" jobs, and the data for "government" jobs, and add them together?

But frankly, my willingness to jump through hoops, generating more and more data, for an audience which has demonstrated their total willingness to falsely accuse me of lying, without even bothering to read what I post, is getting pretty thin.

Larry, the mistake you keep making is assuming I am attacking you an accusing you of lying. I dispute your numbers. And I said I would trust the numbers of the man running for re-election. But I never accused you of lying. My original post on this matter was in response to a different poster, explaining how private sector jobs could show this massive expansion while the unemployment rate went up over the same time. You need to chill about getting so defensive. I backed up my admittedly revised numbers after identifying an error in my math. I will continue to stand by using Obama's numbers, because I think that his team knows how to calculate jobs numbers a tad bit better than either you or me using the BLS website (no offense to either of us). And the more you accuse of me of not reading what you post, even though I posted the table you used by following the steps you provided, is getting a little old. Especially since you were the only poster in this thread to call anyone a liar. Directly.

This is my last post on this matter, because it isn't worth the time or the energy to keep responding to defend accusations I never made in the first place

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