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McKnown anyone???


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Not me. Hope tonight's game doesn't change my opinion, though.

from ffmastermind.com--

The Chicago Tribune reports the Bears are investigating deals for QB Cade McNown and apparently have decided to cut their losses with the 1999 first-round draft pick. GM Jerry Angelo declined to comment on any trade discussions other than to say the team would look at any and all ways of improving the roster. But, according to league sources, the Bears have spoken to teams about a deal for the slumping third-year quarterback. Trading or releasing McNown would mean a $3.1 million hit against the salary cap, which is more than the Bears have room for and, therefore, would necessitate opening space through other deals.

[edited.gif by Buddha on August 12, 2001.]

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Me neither, Buddha.

We need to be searching for our QB of the future. At this point it may be that an unknown with potential (2 of which we have) is better than a guy who has had ample opportunities and has never performeded.

McKnown has Rick Mirer written all over him IMHO. He may hang around the league for years based on what he did in college even though he fails test after test at the pro level.

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I don't know what team in the league would trade for McClown. It looks like the Bears are stuck with him for another year.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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Cade appears to have as much competetive fire and pro potential as Skip Hicks, his old college backfield buddy. Why trade for this guy when he can't beat out Matthews and Miller? He'd end up as an expensive fourth-string QB here.

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Why waste cap room on him when he sucks! not to forget that we could use another DT and maybe another OL.


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I'd say he's worth considering.

He showed much promise when he first played, but then he's tapered off since. This has more to do with injuries (to his line, his receivers, and to himself) more than anything else I believe. He's great at scrambling and throwing an accurate short ball. His weaknesses are his arm strength and apparent lack of maturity (the Bears run a very novel offense, BTW, which may be the reason for his struggles). Maybe a change of scenery would be the perfect prescription?

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McNown is not needed on a team that already has future QB potential. It would be useless to sign a veteran let alone McNown. Even if George were to sit out longer or have more problems, we still have a guy by the name of "Sage" who could step up and throw (or scramble, or dish out big blocks)for touchdowns. He just needs time to get use to the offense (like any other rookie). But this guy is smarter than most. Just look at his college crudentials.

He comes from a "run" based offense but does have the ability to wing some passes with accuracy. Wait and see tonight. Hopefully the skins give him a good chance to prove himself.

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There is no reason to trade for, and have to pay for, a former first rounder who has clearly demonstrated that:

- he can't even stay on the roster of a mediocre NFL team which is populated by the likes of Jim Miller and Shane Matthews; and

- he doesn't have a great amount of discipline or devotion to learning his craft.

The old saying is that "potential is what gets coaches fired." Let's let someone else pull a rabbit out of the hat by turning him into a viable NFL QB. The odds are stacked against whoever wants to try. However much his style may remind some of Steve Young or Joe Montana, the truth is those kind of guys only come around once every 15 or so years, right Jake Plummer and Rick Mirer?


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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"he can't even stay on the roster of a mediocre NFL team...

he doesn't have a great amount of discipline or devotion to learning his craft."

Those same statements can be made about our starting QB, too.

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The 3.1 Million cap hit makes it unlikely that McKnown will go anywhere but the far end of the bench, possibly in the company of a travel agent. They are most likely to place him on the expansion list after the season, but if Chris Simms or Joey Harrington is available via the draft, it's unlikely that Casserly and the Texans will take a flyer on him. At which point, he will become a free agent.

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