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ABC7 - (Fairfax County) Annandale murder-suicide kills former FFX Officer, Daughter


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Fairfax County police are investigating an apparent murder-suicide involving a former Fairfax County police officer and his daughter in Annandale.

annandale_shooting_296.jpgThe bodies were found in an SUV outside of a home in the 3800 block of Forest Grove Drive. (Photo: ABC7)

Police say a 40-year-old man and his 13-year-old daughter were found dead inside a parked black SUV outside of a home, where they lived, in the 3800 block of Forest Grove Drive around 1 a.m. Tuesday.

Sources tell ABC7 News that the girl's mother was inside of the car, but managed to escape and call police.

Authorities say the incident appears to be domestic in nature and that there is no threat to neighbors in this community.

This story will be updated.

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I know a little bit more information then what is posted in the story. The former officer didn't retire from the force and instead basically quit one day out of the blue...

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