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WP: Drug suspensions? Meet the new Redskins, same as the old Redskins


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Snyder is indirectly accountable for the Davis/Williams fiasco because he has completely ignored the value of building a team around a core group of veterans who have been Redskins for more than twenty minutes. Without it, the team has no real identity of its own -- in the locker room, nobody is in charge (and thus everybody is in charge).

Consider Dexter Manley, a lovable nutjob with major drug issues of his own. He may have screwed himself out of a career, but at least he played with a sense that he was part of something bigger than himself, and that he would be held accountable if he did otherwise (the fact that he didn't succeed all the time is a different issue). With relatively few exceptions, that attitude has become a dinosaur with the post-Snyder Redskins.

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Because you are forgetting/ignoring the part where we lost Cooley, Moss, Hightower, Lich, Williams, Grossmen, Brown, Armstrong and Austin to injuries. That has totally destroyed the season. Even going .500 in the six game losing streak would have us in the hunt. People really need to get over the QB position. Shanny knows the guys suck, but he had few to no options in FA and didn't like anyone in the last draft. We are getting a new one I'm sure. He has to say he likes his guys. What is he supposed to say....You guys suck but you are all there was out there, go play hard until I get your replacement. Yeah, that's a plan. As far as the front office, you don't know if the scouts are any good or not. We may have a lot of the same guys, but for all you know, they scout well and then Vinnie did whatever the hell he wanted. Judging by the last two drafts, I think we are def doing better, you have to see that. We are not going back, we are going forward, the 2009 Skins had no future whatsoever. We do now....if you can't see that, there is really nothing I can say to convince you and I am not going to continue trying. I agree with what others have said, if you all hate the team so much, take a break.

I could have mentioned the injuries but I didn't. Yes, I know of a surety that the Redskins have had injuries. The offense wasn't productive because of the lack of presence from Moss, Cooley , Hightower, and Hankerson and whoever else was sidelined with an injury. The fact of the matter is the offense was cold, and unproductive because of the Pop Warner level of QB play. I overstand about what you said about the perpetual blame of how poorly the quarterbacks have played, yet this can not go unmentioned.

Look at Beck's QB rating of 72.1 and Grossman's QB rating of 69.8. They are amongst the poorest quarterback ratings in the NFL. Neither has what it takes to play the position the way it ought to be played, and it's no one's fault but Mike Shanahan's for having two backups or third stringers compete for the starting QB in preseason. McNabb rating for the Redskins in 2010 was 77.2, which is slightly a cut above both Redskins quarterbacks right now. There are numerous QBs who the Redskins could have pushed to sign, but Shanahan, if you recall, was singing the praises of John Beck since after the draft last April. Bringing back Donovan McNabb, who was under contract, should have been an option, and despite McNabb's failure and ultimate release in Minnesota this season, he still would have been better in year 2 in Kyle Shanahan's offense. But after McNabb's agent Fletcher Smith called out Mike Shanahan in the media last year, I suppose that there was no way McNabb could return to the Redskins. But Shanahan still would have been better off keeping him then trading him.

By the way, you don't have to convince me of anything. I'm looking forward to the offseason. I'm looking forward to free agency and the draft. I'm looking forward to seeing Robert Griffin III, Landry Jones, Andrew Luck, or Matt Barkley playing quarterback for the Redskins next season. I'm looking forward to seeing the Redskins flourish into a contender.

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Not trying to argue....but really who was out there you would have signed at QB? Seriously? And McNabb was NOT an option. When you don't work hard, don"t learn the playbook you will NOT be more sucessful in year two just because you are hanging around. You actually have to work at it, and his work ethic is 0 as has been shown by his fate here and in Minnesota.

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Also says this:

The fact that Williams tested positive 10 times doesn’t mean that he ingested a banned recreational substance on 10 occasions. If, as others have reported, Williams tested positive for marijuana, the same smoking incident could continue to generate the presence of marijuana metabolites for up to a month. As a result, the 10 positive tests from September and October were treated as one violation of the program.
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The outlook of this team is much brighter than it was before Shanny got here. We all knew this wasn't going to be an easy process. Now the hiccups with Trent and Fred have every mediot ready to cut rope on Shanny and kick him outta DC. The way I look at it is like this, these are the roughest times, the meat of the rebuild. Wise is a completely dramatic buffoon.

Also as a member of the *Legalization* crowd I will say I feel more comfortable with these guys failing for pot than PED's, or heavy drugs like coke, smack whatever. In my opinion just because they smoked pot does not make them bad people, they just made the mistake of getting caught. I'm sure they aren't the only ones puffing the magic dragon. Lol. Should they not have done it? Of course, but it in no way diminshes their talent and value to this franchise.

---------- Post added December-11th-2011 at 07:40 AM ----------

Really? You obviously have an agenda against Shanahan, because only someone with an agenda couldn't see the improvements made to this team. Keep your head in the sand and never admit that Shanny has done quite a bit in two drafts with the **** sandwich he inherited.

In two drafts Shanny has fixed the defense and given us some young hungry players to build around. This team is getting better and with a new QB next year this team will probably make dramatic improvements. But hey keep being negative, just shows how jaded this fanbase really is.

Dude, if you think this defense is "fixed" then your head is in the sand. You keep your optimism, I will be the one a year from now telling you that Mike Shanahan is fools gold.

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If your always drinking the kool aid their pouring then of course you will have this opinion.

The "everything will be alright crowd" are the same one's who buy into Shanahan's hype. Look at Shannys record in Denver at home and on the road. His win loss record is not what you call balanced. Additionally, look at his record as a head coach when he was also a personel guy, both here and in Denver.

Those are facts my friend, not opinion.

Don't take a leak on my leg and tell me it's raining.

I will be the one a year from now telling you that Mike Shanahan is fools gold.

You still didn't answer my questions. If you believe all you are saying, then why aren't you a Ravens fan? What possible reason could you have to continue supporting the Washington Redskins if you believe Shanahan offers no real hope, and after all the fan base has had to deal with over the last 10 years? Do you maintain this kind of attitude, because it's easier then believing? You don't have to be let down? You can say "I told you so." Would that make you happy, to be right?

I got news for you. Shanahan ain't going anywhere until he is ready to leave. There is no way he is fired, so if you can't deal you might as find something better to do with your time. The organization has been left with no other option but to let this play out.

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I got news for you. Shanahan ain't going anywhere until he is ready to leave. There is no way he is fired, so if you can't deal you might as find something better to do with your time. The organization has been left with no other option but to let this play out.

There is no sense in explaining yourself to fans who do not see even a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel.

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