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Great Boswell Article on the Team and Marty


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Monster commentary and in your face. I'll take it. The good keeps coming too. Look at the fact that it's happening before the season is over and at critical points, which amplifies any point Marty must make and the buying into the system is now firmly entrenched. I disagree however with Boswell that the "jury's still out on Marty and this team".

On the contrary, as the weeks go by, many will want to be on this team. Of course, they wouldn't publicly decry it from the rafters, but when the season is over, there would still be some who see something they like on this team. Those would be people of a mode who work hard and give their best every game. That's all Marty ever asked and it's all anyone would ask.

So why would the jury still be out???? Simple, the player doesn't want the team concept, they would be after the fat contracts, the team be dam*ed for sake of fantasy stats and nice commercials and videos. Still the same ol crap, but it couldn't work with this coach, oh no. Boswell clearly tells you why. Arrington will be the first to tell you: He means what he's saying.

Go Skins! caveman.gif

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The print version of the Post has some very good graphics showing the statistical differences between weeks 1-5 and 6-10. I couldn't find it online but its worth a read.

And the above social commentary by NBTD, what can I add to something so eloquent? I think that post should be saved in a Hall of Shame for the finest message from each opposing team's fans.

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I was thinking the same thing, bulldog. The scenario I envisioned was along the lines of Smith or Lang coming out of the game "for a breather" and being replaced by Deloach and Boose. Boose stands Thomas up, and oops, our DT rolls right onto the back of Thomas' legs. Those things happen in the trenches, ya know.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor


"I fear we've awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve."

- Japanese Imperial Admiral Yamamoto, after hearing that the Japanese declaration of war failed to reach the U.S. government before the attack upon Pearl Harbor

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