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HP/AP - Top Aides Quit Bachmann Campaign


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ST. PAUL Minn. -- More top aides to Republican Michele Bachmann are quitting her presidential campaign, raising questions about the viability of her White House bid.

The major departures are pollster Ed Goeas and senior adviser Andy Parrish. They were confirmed Monday by an adviser who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss personnel moves. Bachmann's spokeswoman didn't immediately return messages.

Parrish is returning to the Minnesota congresswoman's office where he was chief of staff. He moved to Iowa this summer to build support before the state's leadoff caucuses.

Bachmann's deputy press secretary also transferred back to the congressional office. So has her scheduler.

Last month, Bachmann's campaign manager and his deputy stepped down within weeks of her Iowa GOP straw poll victory.


Associated Press writer Philip Elliott contributed from Washington.

I keep waiting for her hail mary statement about something I can't even imagine. Obama is putting drugs in our drinking water to make everybody more liberal. She has traced her bloodline back to George Washington, Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. Rick Perry drinks stemcells to keep his hair so perfect. SOMETHING.

Come on, Dr. Bachmann. Don't let us down. Bring on the crazy.

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