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Breaking News via Twitter: Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple (merged)


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Please expand on why you think Google buying Motorola will end fragmentation problems amongst Android phones. Google has a volume based cell phone approach with loose quality controls designed to facilitate aggressive expansion. I don't see any signs of that changing.

Thanks for making my point. Apple has decades of hardware design experience. Google has...the nexus (was it even designed by google?)? the chromebook? One was a commercial flop (even though a great phone) and the other was doomed b/c they overestimated the length of the netbook era. Netbooks are no longer emerging technologies in the mobile computing market. I think Google made a good acquisition with Motorola, but it doesn't solve the fragmentation problem, and in fact could make it worse.

Fragmentation is dealing with all the different android phones made by all the different makers running all different versions of android software. This is not solved by acquiring a company. It's one thing that makes Android widespread, but it also can cause issues where you can buy a phone without knowing that it will be unable to receive any future Android updates or not. I would think tech savvy people could figure this out, but for the average consumer, why would they want to deal with all that?

You could still have an iPhone 3G and still gain a lot of useful features from the latest iOS even though you can't use all of them. I doubt you can upgrade to iOS 5 when it comes out, but it wouldn't surprise me if you could.

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