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Term Limits. Get politicians enacting laws where prolonging their political careers isn't the focus. Put the focus on doing what's right for the country.
Why would a short-term politician be more likely to focus on what's right for the country?
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DjTj, your post is pretty right on. That's been my feeling since day one. Bush had a chance to be one of the greatest presidents of our time and instead, he did the exact opposite of what he should have. It's sad and it'll be a very long time until what is done, passes.

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Very much agree with what tj had to say. Hh, to me I think the reason the attention span was so short is that there weren't any immediate ramifications from 9/11 from a quality of life standpoint. In WWII everyone knew tons of people fighting overseas and had someone close to them die as result of the war. There were rations and the collective effort of the entire nation was truly required to fight the war. The depression, your talking years of breadlines, almost an entire generation growing up with practically nothing. 9/11 happened, it shocked and horrified us all and brought us together, for a moment, in a shared experience. But, for the majority of the population, no noticeable sacrifice was required or given, we and our daily lives, our comforts, have been completely sectioned off from the ramifications of that day. Struggle and sacrifice are two key components in human beings when it comes to learning, changing and achieving. In the other moments of great change in the history of our nation most people had no choice but do both. I don't know that I lay as much of it on Bush as dj does, however, I'm more inclined to believe we weren't ready for the change. I suppose there's no way to know since it was an opportunity that wasn't taken, and there's certainly fault in that, but I just don't think that change will come until it's really forced upon is, which it hasn't been yet.

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