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Pete Prisco's 'Ultimate Power Rankings'. Where does your team sit? CBSSports.com


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I think Miami belongs in the top 10 for 2 reason:

1. 17-0. Time and again teams have proven how hard it is to completely run the table. Just ask New England for a recent example

2. Until about 5 years go, I think, Miami was the winningest team in NFL history. It took a couple of abysmal seasons, including a 1-15 year that I think finally put them into 2nd behind Pittsburgh.

You can argue for the Raiders over the Broncos though, and you might have a case.

That said, San Fran should be at #4 above NE and Chicago because of their 5-0 SB record and the incredible tandems of Montana/Rice and Young/Rice. And despite a decade of futility, I think 4 straight Super Bowls should be enough to pull Buffalo out of 23 and at least into the top 20.

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Buffalo should be higher.

I can't put San Fran in front of Chicago just because I remember the Niner dynasty, while the Bears glory happened mostly before tv.

NE has been mediocre to bad for all but the last decade. The Parcells teams in the 90s were good but never great.

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RFKFedEx, we're ignoring the elephant in the room.......the evil star at #3.

What about Prisco's comment at the end....."its time they made the big game again." I'm far from being out in front of all the Dallas-bashing here, but if ever there was an example of pro-Cowboy bias in the media, this comment fits.

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The raiders should be higher than Denver, I would put Miami in Denver's spot and the Raiders in Miami's spot. The other one that stood out to me is the Eagles. They have a losing record as a franchise and less titles than the colts, same with the Rams. Other than that I see no problem with the list.

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The more I've looked at it, the more I disagree with.

To start: The Giants at #4, and Bears at #5. He's got these teams there mostly based off their entire history. You could also make the case for the Redskins getting 8 based on entire history. So if you're talking NFL Championships, Packers #1 is fine, but Giants and Bears should bump the Cowboys down to at best #5. No way the Cowboys have a better history than the Bears or Giants.

The Pats should probably fall to the bottom of the top 10 (maybe even lower) based on the fact that they've been irrelevant for all but the past 10-15 years.

There's no way the Eagles should be 11 unless the Bills are up there with them. If all you're basing the Eagles off of is their recent playoff success, 4 straight Super Bowls should put you above it. Not only that, but their fans are garbage.

The Raiders should probably be around 11 or 12. Yes, Al Davis is crazy as **** now, but decades ago they were dominating. They were even good in the last decade!

Oh, and the Ravens really shouldn't get credit for the success of the Browns. These two teams should probably be swapped. That leaves me with a bit of a conundrum for Baltimore and the Colts, but whatever.

Getting back to using entire team history, the Lions have 5 Championship appearances and 4 titles. The Browns went to 6 STRAIGHT Championships. Both of these teams got ranked undeservedly low. Ranked below the horrific Bucs teams, Bungles, and perennial middle of the pack Texans? That's low.

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The more I've looked at it, the more I disagree with.

To start: The Giants at #4, and Bears at #5. He's got these teams there mostly based off their entire history. You could also make the case for the Redskins getting 8 based on entire history. So if you're talking NFL Championships, Packers #1 is fine, but Giants and Bears should bump the Cowboys down to at best #5. No way the Cowboys have a better history than the Bears or Giants.

The Cowboys have the 2nd highest winning % in the history of the NFL and hold the record for most consecutive winning seasons (20 from 1966 to 1985). They've won the second most playoff games 33 to the Steelers leading 34 and played in the most playoff games by a wide margin.Since their inception Dallas really has had an awful lot of success.

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My issue is with the lower tier teams. I don't care if the Bucs won a SB. They should be at or near the bottom. No way does their history compare to a team like the Vikings. The Raiders, Vikings and Bills all got seriously shortchanged here. Too much emphasis on recent history IMO.

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