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24/7 Caps and Pens on Blu Ray or DVD?


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I doubt it. I don't think they have done it in the past for other 24/7 series. It is a great series, but I think in their eyes, the episodes lead up to an event and once the event is past, there is really not much use in going back to look at the preparation. I disagree, I would watch it again, but I bet that they think that the costs that would go into things like production and marketing a DVD would not be worth it.

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They can't do it, there are legal issues with the music they use in the series. Too hard to get the rights to distribute or something like that.

That's just me speaking from memory though, this answer was posted on twitter about a week ago so I have no link.

That's a good point. I did not think about that. If you do not own the music (like something like NFL Films) it can be a mess getting rights for redistribution.

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