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Can anyone name me a recent Superbowl winner built on free agents?


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Free agency isn't the problem.

It's acquiring bad players. That's what the Redskins have had problems with. Getting a few bad players in free agency and the draft has hurt.

But you can also get some good players in free agency when possible.

The worst though, and the Redskins have to be among the worst in the league at this, if not the actual worst, is trading draft picks for players.

Lord knows I love Joe Gibbs, but that man oversaw some atrocious decisions with trading draft picks that continue to haunt us to this day.

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Free agency isn't the problem.

It's acquiring bad players. That's what the Redskins have had problems with. Getting a few bad players in free agency and the draft has hurt.

But you can also get some good players in free agency when possible.

The worst though, and the Redskins have to be among the worst in the league at this, if not the actual worst, is trading draft picks for players.

Lord knows I love Joe Gibbs, but that man oversaw some atrocious decisions with trading draft picks that continue to haunt us to this day.

Gibbs made some good decisions, fewer bad decisions. But with Vinny preceding and succeeding him, the heart of our team including perhaps even last season was built by Gibbs.
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The Redskins have given free-agency a bad rap in recent years. Due to all of the players we have signed that have not panned out, shouldn't have been signed in the first place for a plethora of reasons, i.e. head case, attitude problem, etc. or were paid too much money up front, and then didn't feel like they had to work for a damn thing.

Free Agency done correctly is a great way to augment your talent. You build through both the draft and free agency.

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