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How many people in Obama's cabinet are now holding power positions where they make decisions on the behalf of the country started at Goldman Sachs? Why are we concerned with so much financial regulation during this presidency and needing to give that great company a bailout? It's the same reason in the last administration the government was run by so many people with affiliation with Haliburton and I wonder why we went to war back then eh? The truth is the companies with the most people running government win and influence the countries direction as we go. This happens on both sides and has been going on for many years. The government has been owned by corporations and the same elite groups for 50 years now. Wonder why so many people in the Bush's cabinets were Skull and Bones? Wonder why the most powerful in the world get to meet together for bildeberg meetings and the media says nothing about this? Wonder why news that our waters been sold off to other nations doesn't ever make your front page or when BP decided to give the middle finger to our country and still continued pumping poison into the Gulf you never heard about it? Wonder why during the 911 attack the Pentagon plane only showed 4 frames of the attack? The same **** goes on every day with these people. Lies. Coverups. Threats. Imprisonment. Manipulation. It's on every level, over so many things, and all pointing to the same old same old for the Government. As long as they control the military, the police, the evidence, the media it's never going to change. Not until more people start to see things the way they are and think for themselves.

In the 1700's people faught against the people in charge of this country because they believed they were corrupt. Trying to beat them at their own game isn't ever going to work. Look at the influential people trying to lead a change in our country like John Lennon, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, John and Robert Kennedy, and the countless nameless people who "committed suicide" or died another mysterious death who were working at less public levels of exposing this for what it is who were all killed for speaking out. Even one of the Republican saints Ronald Regan was almost killed 70 days after he entered the whitehouse because he wasn't toeing the corporate line. In fact at the Republican convention in 1980 Regan said he wasn't going to have Bush as his VP but then announced his running mate very late into the night unexpectedly and changed his mind suddenly about him after being influenced by the puppet masters. The man Regan didn't want to be his running mate almost succeeded him after a friend of the Bush's put a bullet into the President missing killing him by a few inches. People who speak out have a very good reason to be afraid.

The amount of paranoid crap mixed into this post is scary. Skull and Bones? the Pentagon holding back video of 911. John Hinckley shooting Reagan so Bush could be Prez? Jesus Addicted, that's so disappointing. Any cogent idea you had there loses credibility mixed in with all that crap.

And Bang, did you even read that before posting "right on?!!? I hope to god you didn't.

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The amount of paranoid crap mixed into this post is scary. Skull and Bones? the Pentagon holding back video of 911. John Hinckley shooting Reagan so Bush could be Prez? Jesus Addicted, that's so disappointing. Any cogent idea you had there loses credibility mixed in with all that crap.

And Bang, did you even read that before posting "right on?!!? I hope to god you didn't.

Bumped, I never saw a response to this and was interesting in seeing what Bang had to say.

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