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Watson Or Betts???????

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I know a lot of you were extremely high on Watson, and deeply distraught that he was cut in favor of Betts. But i think Betts showed why he belongs on this team and the quickness people thought he lacked. Oh well, the FO made the made the correct move..

AND THE NEW STARTER IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


L. Betts 18 77 0 11 4.3

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LOL, you guys keeps the Betts and Watson thing going, I like that. Betts just picked up where he left off last year. My question is the home run hitter that Spurrier & Snyder wanted in Canidate. Four preseason games and 1 regular season game and hell he hasn't even hit a double. Canidate looked very slow and timid last night, his numbers sucked until Betts started to pound the D. I'll tell you this, he definately didn't wins me over last night. Thank God that ramsey had the skills to duck when trung missed his block and threw the deep ball to Coles....

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Well, I like Betts and Watson. Canidate did nothing to impress me. He ran backwards a couple of times when he didn't need to and he often hesitated to make his move down the field, thus costing us yards. Betts started going forward quickly, was tough to bring down, and outclassed Canidate more than he ever outclassed Watson last season. Hopefully, Canidate pulls it together and makes me forget Watson. But right now, I'd be really nervous if we lost Betts to injury, because none of our other RBs have shown me that they can be counted on when the going gets tough. It was telling that every time the team absolutely needed yards to have a chance at winning, Spurrier turned to Betts and not Canidate.

Here's to Canidate learning to go downfield quicker!

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Talk about missing the point. This isn't about Betts not being good. It's about either Trung or Betts failing to justify why they're better than Watson. It seems that Betts might be the best of the bunch, but don't let Trung's YPC deceive you. He is unreliable, and tends to do the same things that has killed him in the past. I remember hearing his situation compared to Amhan Green's when he was traded, but it really isn't even close. Trung looks more like Skip Hicks to me.

I'd take a football player like Watson over a track star anyday. But after expending a 4th rounder, I knew that production and merit would not factor into the decision. Hell, even Lavar and the rest of the players know Kenny is better.

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Originally posted by chiefhogskin48

I'd take a football player like Watson over a track star anyday. But after expending a 4th rounder, I knew that production and merit would not factor into the decision. Hell, even Lavar and the rest of the players know Kenny is better.

:lol: Oh stop, you're killing me!! :lol:
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to be honest, Betts' quickness surprised me. he was getting some good holes to run through, granted, but he hit them and didn't show much rust despite missing almost all of the preseason.

he and Canidate are a good 1-2 punch.

both players are hungry and bring something for the defense to have to adapt to.

Betts may end up with the most carries and Canidate with the most TD's.

From what we saw last night a 1-2 can work here much as it has in SF and OAK the past few years.

Another nice surprise was the ability to pick up the first down in short yardage. The Redskins really struggled in that area in 2002.

Both Betts and Cartwright seem to be capable.

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