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My life as a country song


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So anyway, not to cry in my beer to you guys but I consider you all my virtual friends so I guess I will. Yesterday I got notified that I'm getting laid off and today my wife and I decided to call it quits after 2.5 years. I'm feeling bummed but in some ways very relieved in happy because our marriage was eroding into an uphappy one. But the divorce will be on friendly terms so it's not horrible. I have also been thinking about law school but have changed my mind after working for 2 years in a law firm. I'm now looking at getting an MBA online. Anyway, I just kind of wanted to vent and if any of you have any advice for any of this kind of stuff I would appreciate it. Also, if any of you know a good, cheap divorce lawyer in VA let me know. Thanks as always to my online "family".

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We were pretty young I will admit, but we had known each other awhile. The thing is we started out strictly as friends and then it evolved back into just friendship. We both want to go our seperate ways and I'm actually pretty happy and relieved to have it over with. The weird thing is, is that now that we have decided we want to split, it's easier to be friendly with each other because there is no longer any tension.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Damn. Sorry to hear about both accounts. Re: the attorney, depending on the assets you may not need one. Try an arbitrator first. Much cheaper and easier if you are civil to each other.

That sounds good. It is 100% civil and mutual so that woudl work well. Where can I find one? Phone book?

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Dude, consider going to law school with no intention whatsoever of practicing law! It's a great concept--- Socratic method won't stress you out, you won't be pressured into doing Law Review for resume fodder, and you won't have to endure hours and hours of boring interviews with law firms. A completely stress-free three years with an impressive degree at the end. Much more impressive than an MBA, which I think you can get out of a gumball machine these days.

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Sorry to hear about your plight, man. But i'd be willing to bet that you have great times and a fulfilling life just around the corner.

Buddha's advice about law school sounds on the spot--law school is intellectually challenging and enjoyable, and it can be a blast if you're not worried about the lawyer rat race afterwards. It'll serve you well in virtually any business you want to get into.

And the layoff is probably a blessing (i'm sure you've heard this from too many sources...but it's likely true in your case), because you're free to explore all those options that you thought were closed to you before.

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