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ATTN: Richmond Area Skins Fans


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I'm putting together a press release for The Redskins Review, a weekly Skins show that I'm a part of here in Richmond. There is a dispute about my claim that it's now the longest running local sports talk show in Richmond. I think it is, one of my on-air partners can't think of anything specific, but thinks that it's not.

Take a look at the press release below and let me know if you think my claim is valid or not.



The Redskins Review—The Granddaddy of Them All


CONTACT: Rich Tandler rtandler@comcast.net

The Redskins Review, the longest-running local sports talk radio program in Richmond, will start its fifth season on the air this September.

The show is two hours of news and opinions about the Washington Redskins and the National Football League delivered by hosts Mark and Max, with an entertaining mix of serious analysis and irreverent humor. It will air each Thursday night from 7 to 9 on Sports Radio 910. The season premiere, though, will be on Wednesday, September 3 as the Redskins will be opening the NFL season against the New York Jets during the program’s normal time slot the following night.

The Redskins Review made its debut on WRNL in August of 1999. No other local sports talk radio program has been regularly broadcast on the same station for as long as the Redskins Review.

“That’s certainly as much a comment on the turmoil that’s been present in local radio as much as the staying power of the Redskins Review, but it’s a title that we’re proud to have.” said Rich Tandler, who serves as the show’s Redskins historian, trivia expert, and regular commentator. “We’ll take it any way we can get it.”

The show is unique in another aspect—it’s the only regular, locally originated broadcast show about the Redskins. With the huge following the team has in Richmond and the great popularity of the NFL, one would figure that one of the area media outlets would have put together about the Skins.

“I got tired of waiting,” said Max. “Somebody had to step up and do it.”

Mark and Max, then regular callers to WRNL’s morning and evening shows, stepped up and pitched the idea to the station’s management in 1999. While the decision makers were highly skeptical, they granted the show an hour of air time on Wednesday nights. The show expanded to two hours the following season.

“We had no idea what we were doing when we first stepped into the studio that first night,” said Mark. “We still don’t have a clue, of course, but that’s part of the show’s attraction.”

Another part of the show’s attraction is the callers. One of the show’s main goals from the outset was to be caller friendly and the Redskins Review has maintained a “callers first” policy from the beginning. The result has been just as expected. A multitude of callers with a wide range of opinion about the Redskins and others who are fans of other NFL teams who just want to talk football.

“We’ve gotten some kooks over the years,” said Mark, “but the vast majority of the show’s callers, whether they root for the Skins, one of their division rivals, or a team that the Redskins rarely play, have something to add to the conversation and having some fun and insightful talk about football is what it’s all about here.”

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You certainly aren't the longest running local sports talk show. I know they have short track racing programs on smaller AM stations running for a long while.

You are probably the longest running local Redskins sports talk show though :).

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I'm suprised you haven't caught some flak for your name "Redskins Review." Years ago, thats what the Redskins programs were named. Then a few years back, "Warpath" as it is now known, was "forced" by the Redskins to remove "Redskins" from the title "Redskins Review. " The paper went from "Washington Pro Football Weekley" (ugh) to "Warpath" (very nice).

Have you ever gotten any of my PM's Rich?

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