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NYT OPED: The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party


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Does he do stuff to influence the market and benefit from it? Dots are a bit easier to connect with oil billionaires putting resources towards lower taxes and less regulation.

Yes he does.


Soros said that he tries to maintain a strict separation between his financial and his philanthropic work. Yet he acknowledged, "There are occasionally symbiotic moments between political and business interests." He cited one example: an attempt to set up a public-policy think tank in England which had at first looked like a fruitless venture; it had landed him in what promised to be one of the most boring conferences of his life. But, chatting with British notables, he caught a serendipitous glimpse of a way to break into the closed world of the British bond market, which he soon did. It became "one of the most rewarding weekends of my life," he said. "I made many millions."

And that's an on the record ( by the way notice the tone difference between the two articles).

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Yes he does.


And that's an on the record ( by the way notice the tone difference between the two articles).

I understand this article to say that he gained knowledge and connections during a philanthropic event. Isn't that business 101? Am I missing something?

This just in, Media Matters, MoveOn.org, and many other left wing groups are bankrolled by George Soros.

I don't think you'll surprise anybody by saying that Soros promotes left wing causes. We are talking about putting resources to further private gain over public good. Is he trying to reduce his own taxes? Is he trying to reduce government oversight from his businesses? Is he trying to manipulate markets?

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Just for clarification, is this thread now about which billionaires can channel their funds into what or why it is bad that the billionaires on one side use their money to try to promote and influence causes dear to them, while it is a heinous act of evil if billionaires on the other side do similar things?

Because I do remember Soros being painted as the devil incarnate for righties for ten plus years.

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I don't think you'll surprise anybody by saying that Soros promotes left wing causes. We are talking about putting resources to further private gain over public good. Is he trying to reduce his own taxes? Is he trying to reduce government oversight from his businesses? Is he trying to manipulate markets?

So your assertion that is that the Koch brothers are trying to manipulate markets and lower their taxes for personal gain. Perhaps as libertarians they actually believe their political philosophy is best for this country and the public good.

They might even be sincere about it too.

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This just in, Media Matters, MoveOn.org, and many other left wing groups are bankrolled by George Soros.

Can you post the finance reports that show Media Matters received money and is currently "bankrolled" by George Soros? Not a columnist claiming he does, but evidence/proof.

I am not saying your wrong, but I recently read an article that Soros has never given money to Media Matters. They said they have gone through all the finance reports.

I honestly don't know which is actually true - would love to know. I will look into it more myself.

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So your assertion that is that the Koch brothers are trying to manipulate markets and lower their taxes for personal gain.

I do not see evidence of Kochs being involved in market manipulation. I added market manipulation because it was mentioned that Soros is sketchy based on him benefiting from currency fluctuations.

Perhaps as libertarians they actually believe their political philosophy is best for this country and the public good.

They might even be sincere about it too.

People can believe anything they want. There needs to be a proper balance between government spending and income; reducing income without reducing spending increases deficits. There needs to be a proper level of environmental protection. Handling these issues irresponsibly is detrimental to the public good.

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