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Daily Press:AP-Armstead Gives Challenge to Skins


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Armstead gives challenge to Skins

Linebacker says Washington needs to get tougher

The Associated Press

Published August 12, 2003

ASHBURN -- The Washington Redskins tried to make up for a dreadful exhibition performance Monday in an intense practice punctuated by the biggest fight so far in training camp, a vicious hit by Jeremiah Trotter and a call from linebacker Jessie Armstead to "put up or shut up."

"It all boils down to toughness," Armstead said. "We've got to be a tougher team. It's time to put up or shut up.

"We've got what's considered the best offensive line in the league, talent-wise, money-wise. We've got guys well-paid on the defensive side of the ball, so we have no excuses. We've got all the things we need in place. We ought to take it among ourselves right now to make sure we start building to opening day."

Coach Steve Spurrier, embarrassed by Saturday's 20-0 loss at Carolina, opened practice with a lengthy message to his team in a huddle at midfield. He wanted a tougher practice, and he sure got it.

The defense hit harder and wrapped up the ball-carriers, rather than bouncing off as they usually do in practice. Running back Chad Morton got fed up by an extra shove from Armstead and attacked the linebacker, leading to a huge scrum that included linebacker LaVar Arrington flailing at receiver Rod Gardner.

On the next play, Trotter drove running back Sultan McCullough into the ground with a bone-crunching tackle. Defensive coordinator George Edwards erupted at Trotter, who was ordered off the field for the rest of the series.

The intensity didn't let up for the rest of practice.

"We needed that," Arrington said. "We definitely knew we needed to be more intense."

The coaches weren't so sure. On the one hand, Spurrier accused his team of playing "pretty soft" against Carolina. On the other hand, he felt the fights and rough plays were too much of a remedy.

"That was something that shouldn't have happened, but hopefully will not happen again," Spurrier said. "We don't encourage that at all."

Armstead, though, feels there's not enough toughness in a franchise that has hovered around .500 while paying its players well.

"You don't want to beat down your teammates, because we need each other, but training camp is where you lay down the law on both sides," Armstead said. "If you don't want to hear the truth, don't ask me a question. Guys getting paid the kind of money they're paying guys around here, then guys got to play some ball around here."

But toughness needs to be balanced with discipline, and the Redskins are still a work in progress on that front. Defensive line coach Robert Nunn warned his players before the start of practice of a "hard count alert," meaning the quarterbacks would be trying to draw the linemen offsides with staggered snap counts.

During the drills, two linemen were caught jumping offsides during hard counts.

"We need to play better, within the rules, no question," Spurrier said.

SIGNING. Defensive tackle James Cannida was signed Monday.

Cannida started seven games with Indianapolis last season and spent the previous four years with Tampa Bay. The Colts released him to clear salary cap room in February.

The Redskins have been juggling their starting line since releasing Dan Wilkinson on the second day of training camp. The team had wanted Wilkinson to take a pay cut, and the two sides couldn't agree on the parameters of a new contract.

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Hell yeah! This is exactly what I was looking for in a recap of yesterday's practice. This team needs to get tough, they need to get angry and if it takes a wicked hit by Trotter and a fight between Armstead and Morton, than so be-it.

I love that Armstead is stepping up and calling this team out, pointing to the fact that they're all well-paid and they have no excuses to not get it done out there. Glad this is happening in August and not in late September or October.

Hopefully, the Carolina game was a smack in the face, a wake-up call and will make this team realize they've got to work their butts off.

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Armstead, though, feels there's not enough toughness in a franchise that has hovered around .500 while paying its players well.

Ain't that the truth. The single biggest thing holding back this team is lack of heart. If you play with heart, you play tough. This is looking like a collection of paycheck players, just like the Norval years.

I wouldn't care if the defense got beaten if they actually looked like they were trying. But they don't. And the offense isn't either. They're just going through the motions.

I kinda thought firing BDW would fire the team up, set a new standard, send a message, that kind of thing. I guess it didn't work.

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Originally posted by Even Madder

Ain't that the truth. The single biggest thing holding back this team is lack of heart. If you play with heart, you play tough. This is looking like a collection of paycheck players, just like the Norval years.

I wouldn't care if the defense got beaten if they actually looked like they were trying. But they don't. And the offense isn't either. They're just going through the motions.

I kinda thought firing BDW would fire the team up, set a new standard, send a message, that kind of thing. I guess it didn't work.

Chill brother. If you see a performance like last Saturday's in a few weeks on opening night, then you have every right to get upset. Until then, reserve the judgement.

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Originally posted by Golgo-13

Chill brother. If you see a performance like last Saturday's in a few weeks on opening night, then you have every right to get upset. Until then, reserve the judgement.

Oh my! That better not happen. Some of my Redskins fan club bretheren and I are going to that game. That would not be good.

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The beautiful thing about sports is, you don't have to wait long to see if the walk lives up to the talk.

Come this Saturday night, I don't care if we "lose" again. I just want to see under the bright lights, with my own two eyes, what I've so far only been asked to imagine.



Blocking and tackling.


And somebody for god's sake HIT somebody.

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Armstead's right that the talking has been far in front of the walking here in DC the past few years :(

A lot of guys puffing cigars in the preseason and talking of glory only to end up at 8-8 or 7-9.

We could have achieved that record with NO big names just as Cleveland did last year in getting to 9-7.

At some point the talented players on this team are going to have to start dominating people week in and week out, no excuses.

we need to see Jansen and Samuels blow some people off the line.

we need to see Arrington knock a runner out.

we need to see the 70 yard int return for a TD by Champ Bailey.

Leaders have to lead :)

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This is what I meant when I said that I would rather us be blown out in that game than for us to blow them out. sometimes a tough loss is just what the doctor ordered to light a fire in a team. what better time for it to happen than the first pre-season game of the year? :high:

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