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Mandatory salt water angler national registration


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Fishing poles don't kill fish....

I am an avid fisherman, and this is the first I've heard about this. Basically, in addition to purchasing a license for the state you live, you have to register by giving them your contact info so they can conduct surveys, and then keep your card with you at all time. I'm all for protecting our resources, but fail to see how this information can't be gleaned from current license databases. Of course then they wouldn't be able to charge the fee.

"Federal salt water angler registrations will include an angler’s name, date of birth, address, telephone number, and the regions where they intend to fish. This information will be used by NOAA to conduct surveys on fishing effort and amounts of fish caught. Once anglers have registered, they may fish anywhere in U.S. federal waters, or in tidal waters for anadromous species, regardless of the region or regions they specified in their registration. The registration will be valid for one year from its date of issue. Anglers must comply with applicable state licensing requirements when fishing in state waters.

Salt water anglers will be able to register online or by calling a toll-free telephone number that will be publicized, and will receive a registration certificate. Anglers will need to carry this certificate (or their state license from an exempt state) and produce it to an authorized enforcement officer if requested. No fee will be charged in 2010. An estimated fee of $15 to $25 per angler will be charged starting in 2011."

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I have been registered for a couple months now. Doesn't cost anything and only takes a couple minutes. Not everyone needs to sign up, for instance if you only fish from charterboats, or with a guide, you don't need to register.

I'm all in favor of anything that helps the NOAA/NMFS/State governments obtain more accurate catch data. Alot of the more ridiculous limits we are subjected to now are due to horribly inefficient methods of data collection. More accurate data = better regulations for anglers.

I don't like the fact that they may start charging for registry in the future, that's what fishing licenses are for.

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I am TOTALLY for better management of the fisheries. My feeling is that the law-abiding and conscientious citizen is the one being "punished" here. The people fishing without a license, keeping fish outside the size limits, over the creel limits, etc. affect the fish population more than anything. And, they won't be taking a survey.

The added cost/extra effort is the other thing that irritates me, especially when all that information is already available electronically.

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The people fishing without a license, keeping fish outside the size limits, over the creel limits, etc. affect the fish population more than anything. And, they won't be taking a survey.

I hear ya. Go to any pier or beach in DelMarVa on any given day and you'll see all of the above. I have the game warden on speed dial now. ;)

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