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A close look at the pukes reveals...


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I don't believe he's ever ripped off someones helmet and stomped on their forehead not once but twice simply because they were owning him on the field. I'd call that action dirtier than tripping!:hysterical:

I would have mentioned that, but it would have been overkill.

Didn't you know tripping is a capital offense.

/rolling smiley

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Tripping. Boneheaded. Agreed.

But, are you trying to equate tripping with cut/chop blocking?


I never mentioned cut or chop blocks in my posts. Please don't make stuff up and attribute it to me.

As for Flo, the league investigated and only chose to fine him. As I said before, if he weren't a puke, it would have been a suspension, but with the crucial stretch of games coming, the league was either lobbied to fore go a suspension or they didn't have the balls to do it.

In either case, it's another example of special treatment the organization receives which is evident to all except their fan base.

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By dirty offensive line standards, tripping isn't a big deal.

Watch Harvey Diehl of the Falcons some time if you want to see a dirty o-lineman.

Flo was fined by the league. They spent time investigating it.

Sounds like it's a big deal with the league.


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One fourth of the pukes' wins were against the Philadelphia Eagles (3/12);

42% of the pukes' wins came against the weak NFCE...and, yet, they were unable to beat the hapless NY Giants in either meeting;

With the exception of the Eagles and faltering New Orleans Saints, the pukes didn't beat any other playoff bound team this year;

The pukes have benefited from another relatively injury-free season...this incredible circumstance can only be categorized as 'luck;'

The pukes have one of the dirtiest players in the NFL starting at offensive tackle, and despite a series of infractions which would have garnered suspension had he been on any other team, the player got an undeserved pass;

Oh, and, though some would say Romo sits to pee's play has improved, I'd have to say his o-line's play is what has improved and caused the elimination of his mistakes. Unfortunately, the pukes won't match up as well against the next set of defenses they play.

Color me unimpressed.

Glad you're back. I don't expect you to be impressed by Dallas. Not yet....

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Nice post, but I don't see you offering up anything to refute my original post.

Thanks for playing, though.

Yes he did. He basically called the entire post a "typical tr1 excuse" for the Cowboys recent incredible success which you have stated 1000's of time would never come. I'd say thats a total refute of your original post.

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I never mentioned cut or chop blocks in my posts. Please don't make stuff up and attribute it to me.

I did not attribute it to you. You posted in response to me, thus in turn taking part in my vein of thought. Therefore, you must be talking about dirty play.

Don't take this personally, but it's incredibly hard to discuss football when you love to go off on tangents - NOT - talking about football.

What is it going to be? Arguing about inconsequential things? Or talk about football?

As for Flo, the league investigated and only chose to fine him. As I said before, if he weren't a puke, it would have been a suspension, but with the crucial stretch of games coming, the league was either lobbied to fore go a suspension or they didn't have the balls to do it.

This is your problem in a nutshell. Look at my bolded part. How can we discuss football when you present something that can neither be confirmed or denied? In essence you are making things up then try to pass it off as football knowledge.

Same song, different dance with you.

How about you come back when you want to discuss football.

I'm all for it buddy.

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I think the Cowboys match up very well against the Vikings right now. It's a passing league and Dallas has threats at every level in the passing game. I don't know which Viking LB can cover the Cowboys TEs. And I don't like Minny's secondary against anyone. Dallas will score.

The Question is, which Minnesota offense shows up. If it is early to mid-season Favre and Peterson, Minnesota probably can score more. If it is in late-season form, Dallas will sack Favre a lot and hold Peterson relatively in check.

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TR1, I for one am glad to see you! I am absolutely amazed at the amount of Cowboys fans I have met for the first time this week. They are everywhere. Right under my feet at work, in the grocery store. I see cowboys flags on cars. Its like someone just turned the lights out and the ****roaches are partying!! (present company excluded of course as I see most of you guys in here regardless of the record). I am talking about just walking around or driving in Northern Virginia. You would think we are in Austin! Its gross.

I pray that Minny can take advantage of the home field and bye they backed into cuz I don't know if I can handle another week of this. last week I actually found myself rooting for the cowboys because I absolutely despise the eagles (lived in philly for 12 years) but in retrospect the pukes look like a much bigger threat.

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I think the Cowboys match up very well against the Vikings right now. It's a passing league and Dallas has threats at every level in the passing game. I don't know which Viking LB can cover the Cowboys TEs. And I don't like Minny's secondary against anyone. Dallas will score.

Agree. Vikings secondary can be had. Roll a safety to Austin's side and RW who has caught some balls lately will get his' date=' Crayton as well.

Account for Felix coming out on a wheel route with an LB - aint going to happen.

LB covering Witten - I'll take that every day twice on Sunday.

The Question is, which Minnesota offense shows up. If it is early to mid-season Favre and Peterson, Minnesota probably can score more. If it is in late-season form, Dallas will sack Favre a lot and hold Peterson relatively in check.

Now that is the question. Going to be fun to watch.

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TR1, I for one am glad to see you! I am absolutely amazed at the amount of Cowboys fans I have met for the first time this week. They are everywhere. Right under my feet at work, in the grocery store. I see cowboys flags on cars. Its like someone just turned the lights out and the ****roaches are partying!! (present company excluded of course as I see most of you guys in here regardless of the record). I am talking about just walking around or driving in Northern Virginia. You would think we are in Austin! Its gross.

I pray that Minny can take advantage of the home field and bye they backed into cuz I don't know if I can handle another week of this. last week I actually found myself rooting for the cowboys because I absolutely despise the eagles (lived in philly for 12 years) but in retrospect the pukes look like a much bigger threat.

I haven't seen one person/thing with any Dallas gear around here - deep in enemy territory.

Where are all these people?

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I think the Cowboys match up very well against the Vikings right now. It's a passing league and Dallas has threats at every level in the passing game. I don't know which Viking LB can cover the Cowboys TEs. And I don't like Minny's secondary against anyone. Dallas will score.

The Question is' date=' which Minnesota offense shows up. If it is early to mid-season Favre and Peterson, Minnesota probably can score more. If it is in late-season form, Dallas will sack Favre a lot and hold Peterson relatively in check.[/quote']

I like home field advantage, and Minny's two weeks of prep time.

...and, Favre will eat that secondary up. Yes, Dallas will score...they'll just score less points.

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I like home field advantage, and Minny's two weeks of prep time.

...and, Favre will eat that secondary up. Yes, Dallas will score...they'll just score less points.

cool...im glad you said it. At least you put it on record, honestly im shocked at how good the Dallas secondary has played......pleased by it, but shocked too

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TR1, I for one am glad to see you! I am absolutely amazed at the amount of Cowboys fans I have met for the first time this week. They are everywhere.


Be patient...next week they'll have their Favre jerseys on.

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I haven't seen one person/thing with any Dallas gear around here - deep in enemy territory.

Where are all these people?

Really? I feel like I see them everywhere. And all of a sudden I am getting emails and texts from co-workers who I NEVER knew were cowboys fans (but they clearly knew I was a skins fan) saying "how bout them cowboys?". I am like "What? You're a pukes fan?" and they are all "of course!" about it! ****roaches.

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I see a lot of similarities between the 2009 Vikings and the 2007 Cowboys. Both started off on fire and kind of stumbled at the end, still managing to obtain a first round bye.

The 2007 Cowboys face a hot Giants team that came into the post-season playing some of their best ball of the year and couldn't compete even with the homefield advantage the extra week's rest. Now it looks as though the Vikings are facing a hot Cowboys team that is playing some of its best ball of the year.

I can only hope that the situations play out the same :fingersx:

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cool...im glad you said it. At least you put it on record, honestly im shocked at how good the Dallas secondary has played......pleased by it, but shocked too

It's not the secondary that's played well, it's been the pukes' d-line that's played well...but, then again, they were playing against those pathetic Eagles.

I might also mention that Keith Brooking has been a huge improvement over that stiff Zach Thomas.

He's been the difference in your defense this year...

Oh, gawd, look! I've said something positive about another puke player...let's see if anyone remembers this, because, you know, I'm such a 'hater.'


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