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I think you were responding to Eaglez Legendz but what the heck...

Why does Buckhalter + an improvement? He had what 500yds 2 years ago as a rookie and then suffered aserious knee injury? Is he decent backup? Sure, but no better than any of the guys we'll have as backups.

Buckhalter has a lot of potential; he averaged 4.5 yards per carry. His ACL was only a partial tear and it was at the beginning of training camp (around April 2002) so I don't think that it will be an issue. He has looked good in camp so far. I hate to admit this, but I think you guys do have a decent stable of talent in that position as well.

But if you get to say that Simoneau is an improvement, we can say that Upshaw, Bowen, Fiore etc are all-pros.

Well, I wouldn't get carried away there by calling them all-pros. But it's possible that some of those guys were upgrades for you also.

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And Betts/Watson showed similar and better numbers. None of that means a thing. Every team can say their guy shows "potential" Or "if you multiply his numbers over a full season....."

Blah blah blah.

Until he actually does it, Losing Levens and having Buckhalter is not an upgrade. And not having Duce makes it even worse.

If he gets 1000 yards this year, I'll be shocked.

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Only wanted to comment that "BodyBagGame" seems to be a good addition to the board, but I wish the mods would make him change his username to "20-6" or give him an avatar of Buddy Ryan receiving a pink slip from Norman Braman.

Seriously, nice to have you aboard, BBG!

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And Betts/Watson showed similar and better numbers. None of that means a thing. Every team can say their guy shows "potential" Or "if you multiply his numbers over a full season....."

Fine, but that makes all your predictions about the Reskins pointless as well. You (wrongly) claimed that the Skins upgraded at every position except DT. But you're basing that opinion on the same premise that I am with Buckhalter.

Until he actually does it, Losing Levens and having Buckhalter is not an upgrade. And not having Duce makes it even worse.

And until Coles, Thomas, Morton, Hall, Upshaw, Fiore, Ramsay, Canidate, Noble, Haley, Bowen, and the other 200 FAs you signed 'actually do it', they are not upgrades either.

And Duce will eventually be back; he's fighting a losing battle.

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Only wanted to comment that "BodyBagGame" seems to be a good addition to the board, but I wish the mods would make him change his username to "20-6" or give him an avatar of Buddy Ryan receiving a pink slip from Norman Braman.

Hey, thanks Hail2skins! Appreciate it. And you got an audible laugh out of me with the 20-6 game moniker. I actually attended that one, although why I don't know.

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Also hail2skins, if Braman (the then-owner of the Eagles) had made the right choice after firing Ryan I might be thanking you for that loss. It came down to choosing between Jeff Fisher, the defensive coordinator, and Rich Kotite, the offensive coordinator.

"Let's see....Fisher or Kotite....Fisher or Kotite....I'll go with Kotite."

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Haha this thread is a great read. I still think the Eagles are the team to beat in the East. McNabb always gives the Skins serious problems. As for the Giants, Im really not that impressed by them, sure they have a better team right now than the Skins, but if Ramsey steps it up, I have full faith in this team that they will have no problem going 2-0 against the Giants. The Giants barely beat us last year..I really won't have a true sense of respect for them until they actually kick our ass into the dirt. The Eagles have kicked our asses a few times the past couple of years, and for that they have gained my respect. They are still a playoff team, but the loss of Hugh and not signing a top-tier WR will come back to bite them in the ass. But thats just my 2 cents.

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Redman, I see the wink but I still can't believe you typed that... that's like me saying, "was Norv Turner really that bad for you all?" :D Kotite is the bane of my existence... that guy needs a punch in the nose.

BBG, nice to see another Eagle fan roaming these parts that has a brain and doesn't resort to smack. You can help me, EL, and Blazers keep these "homers" in line this season. :cool: ;)

Is it September yet? :cheers:

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Oh and was anything more hilarious than a Randall Cunningham interview?

"So Randall, how do you feel about your chances this year?"

"RC:Well, God willing, I think we have the best team, or one of the best teams in the league this year. We have an excellent chance of going all the way, if everything bounces our way. Also, we're not where we need to be yet, so I think we still have lots of work to do in order to even be considered good. You know, we're going nowhere, really, and I suck."

The man contradicted every initial sentiment in his interviews.

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BBG, nice to see another Eagle fan roaming these parts that has a brain and doesn't resort to smack. You can help me, EL, and Blazers keep these "homers" in line this season.

Thanks Tex; this is a fun forum. I'm too humbled by Eagle disappointments to talk smack, but I'm somewhat optimistic about this year. But aren't we all...

Redman and Ghostofwoodson, an overlooked contribution to the Kotite canon was when a reporter once asked him something and he said, "Hey, I answered that question already - what do you guys do, write with indelible ink?"

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Originally posted by BodyBagGame

I'm too humbled by Eagle disappointments to talk smack, but I'm somewhat optimistic about this year. But aren't we all...

Welcome, BBG. The Eagles' disappointments are humbling, but it does go with the territory. Nowhere near as bad as rooting for the Cardinals or the Saints.

I will always maintain that if the Phillies could actually win a World Series, then anything is possible.

And thanks for bringing up Kotite - I'd repressed that memory and will now need to go back into therapy. :)

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