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10 things I love about music.


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1. mind-bending, face-melting, ear-splitting guitar solos.

2. my ipod going from Biggie to Van Morrison to Metallica to Bootsy Collins to Frank Sinatra to etc etc etc.

3. unexpected glimpses of true talent from supposed cookie-cutter artists.

4. live albums.

5. concerts.

6. digging up the music people did before they were in a band that hit it big.

7. shopping for used vinyl.

8. getting pumped.

9. chilling out.

10. free dowloads.

What about you?

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Sounds silly but it's great to listen to skilled musicians. I love sitting down to music and picking out individual instruments and listening to how it's played. Guitars, bass, piano, drums, violins, especially. Music with a lot of sonic layers is great too. I'm not so big into lyrics—I don't really pick up on poetry too well.

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I work at the longest running, continually owned live music venue in the country.

We have so many great musicians that hang out everyday. It's amazing.

Monday nights are open mic night. Last week, this old guy whos wife recently left him, has been showing up and he sings Ring of Fire and 2 other old country songs.

This past week, a couple of the guys in CKY asked if they could play behind him and he said yes. He had no idea they were an established Rock band. It was so cool.

2 weeks ago, the band that was supposed to play canceled. So, Ween, Chris Hartford, Steve Garvey and a few career studio musicians all played. It was amazing.

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