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L.A. Times: NFL's Chris McAlister lists Beverly Hills Post Office home at $7.9 mill

[S.S.F. | Nero]

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CBA aside, I believe those statements are crazy.

You think we try to replace Carlos Rogers with a 3rd or 4th round CB?

That's exactly where you pick a nickle corner up for one, and for two, we were replacing Shawn Springs....NOT CARLOS. How are you going to replace Carlos when he's still on his rookie contract? He's a top ten pick..he's played like it..especially when you consider the type of players that have come out of that draft.

I think that your statements are as incorrect as they get, and I'm not trying to offend you, but if the Redskins ever wanted to get rid of Carlos Rogers...it was last year during the 6-2 run. He's a FA after this year..you just don't let a guy like that walk. I think you don't value him as high as he is.

I know for a fact, you don't replace a guy like him with a 3rd or 4th round CB.

DeAngelo Hall replaced Shawn Springs, not our draft picks.

What does Carlos Rogers being on his rookie contract have anything to do with replacing him?

I value him where he should be valued. The fact is we have alot of money tied up in this defense already and I dont know if we are going to be able to afford Rogers. You keep saying "you just don't let a guy like this walk", well sometimes you have to if you can't afford them. If we can't afford him our front office is going to try to get something for him. If the rumors are true that he want's top 5 CB money then there is no way we can keep him with a cap. If you disagree with that then your clueless, no offense.

I am not trying to turn this into a "trade carlos rogers" thread so relax. I would love to re-sign him, but financially it seems unlikely.

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DeAngelo Hall replaced Shawn Springs, not our draft picks.

What does Carlos Rogers being on his rookie contract have anything to do with replacing him?

I value him where he should be valued. The fact is we have alot of money tied up in this defense already and I dont know if we are going to be able to afford Rogers. You keep saying "you just don't let a guy like this walk", well sometimes you have to if you can't afford them. If we can't afford him our front office is going to try to get something for him. If the rumors are true that he want's top 5 CB money then there is no way we can keep him with a cap. If you disagree with that then your clueless, no offense.

I am not trying to turn this into a "trade carlos rogers" thread so relax. I would love to re-sign him, but financially it seems unlikely.

DeAngelo Hall did NOT and CAN'T replace Shawn Springs. Springs is a taller physical corner, which actually IS what our draft PICK replaced. Not saying Hall can't cover or Springs can cover Randy Moss, but did you see what happened at the Pats game?

His name is Kevin Barnes and it's called future. For now, Rogers HAS to do what Springs did and take away the tall physical WR's which Hall can't do. I don't know but it sounds almost like I have to go back to basics with you.

I'm commenting on the franchise tag part, which you completely excluded in this portion here. Franchising means paying him top 5 MONEY, which is stupid for this team to even attempt. Our cap runs different ways then normal teams.

Again, if Rogers was to get traded, it probably would have already happened man, you're losing leverage.

DeAngelo Hall replaced Rogers, and Rogers replaced Springs in a sense. Don't get it twisted.

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I think the point in the OP's thread was not about the house but rather the bold red statements. You need to go back and read the original post.

September 15 is just three days away. Why isn't the Washington Post all over this? Oh yeah....that would be real investigative journalism....they don't do that, do they? Nevermind.

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