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Anyone Experienced With OTARD?


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So...here's the deal.

I dished out (yuk yuk) for DirecTV about three weeks ago and got it installed on the side of my house in commercially-run Navy Housing. Today I got a letter saying I had 48 hours to get confirmation that it would be taken down and moved to a pole-mounted location in the back of my house.

"Whatever," I think. No big deal. So I called DTV, they had a tech in the area who swung by, and told me that it was a no-go. No line of sight in the back yard, even mounted on a pole. He did tell me about OTARD, though, which I'd never heard of. I don't know if it applies to Navy housing though, even though it's run by a commercial leasing company or whatever. Does anyone know the OTARD workings pretty well, and/or are able to explain them in layman's terms relative to my situation?

I know that I'll probably have to take it down because it was drilled into the house, but I shouldn't have to move it to a place where there's no line of sight. I've never really dealt with anything like this before, though, so I'm a bit in over my head.

Any knowledge anyone can give, or experiences that they've had with something like this would be HUGELY appreciated.

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