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Investment Advice...Buying Gold/Silver/Platinum

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Short-term? I mean, I agree with you about timing the market as far as day trading and such goes, but there's a very distinct long-term trend to that graph. The ratio hovers around 5:1, spikes over a few years, then collapses even more quickly and hovers at 5:1. I feel like you're making an argument that could easily have been applied to real estate three years ago. There's a difference between trying to time a market and identifying a bubble, and those three spikes sure look like bubbles to me.

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Ha, fair enough. Still, though, why don't you allow for a difference between timing the market and bubbles? For example, housing prices - other than the Fed deciding to go into overdrive and/or a world dollar firesale taking place, I can pretty much prove that housing prices still have a long way to fall. They're still bubblicious, just not as much as a year ago. If I were looking to buy real estate, I sure as hell wouldn't buy now. I wouldn't define that as timing the market. I would define that as recognizing math and history. But it seems like you wouldn't - is that correct?

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