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Mike Williams (Video ?)


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not much of a career, lots of potential and LOTS of injuries...below if from the Dallas News in April. Hopefully he can avoid the injury bug and be a productive player. By the way, the converted tight end that replaced him was Jason Peters, now with the Eagles.

"His second year was marred by an ankle injury that hobbled him for most of the season, forcing him to miss three games. He skipped voluntary mini-camps in 2004 for "personal reasons" and was fined for an unexcused absence in training camp. He started only five of the nine games he played before he was sidelined by a back injury during his final season, losing his job to a converted tight end.

Williams signed to play with the Jacksonville Jaguars but spent the 2006 season on injured reserve with a bad back. The Oakland Raiders showed interest in signing him for 2007 but the back ached too much. He could no longer bend over. There was surgery for a herniated disk. His NFL career appeared over."

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not much of a career, lots of potential and LOTS of injuries...below if from the Dallas News in April. Hopefully he can avoid the injury bug and be a productive player. By the way, the converted tight end that replaced him was Jason Peters, now with the Eagles.

"His second year was marred by an ankle injury that hobbled him for most of the season, forcing him to miss three games. He skipped voluntary mini-camps in 2004 for "personal reasons" and was fined for an unexcused absence in training camp. He started only five of the nine games he played before he was sidelined by a back injury during his final season, losing his job to a converted tight end.

Williams signed to play with the Jacksonville Jaguars but spent the 2006 season on injured reserve with a bad back. The Oakland Raiders showed interest in signing him for 2007 but the back ached too much. He could no longer bend over. There was surgery for a herniated disk. His NFL career appeared over."

Goodness, what was the deal with his back? Was his weight ballooning at that point or did that come after that point?

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Ya know what. I have no idea what went on but I just get the feeling that Mike Williams was one of these lazy guys coming out of college. Extreme talent and lots of weight but he got by in college with extra weight and his natural ability.

Then when he went to the NFL he got extra lazy and his great ability was cut down to size by hard working NFL players.

However...at some point he obviously grew out of his laziness and he matured as well, and it seems that WE are getting the Mike Williams that the Bills originally thought they were getting: Motivated, a work out warrior, and mature.

It may be a little bit late in his career but better late than never and offensive linemen quite often don't have their best years until they get into their 30's. Especially guards.

Plus, despite his early injuries, he has rested his body for the last 3 years so he is probably in great shape WITHOUT all the recurring knee and ankle injuries that so many older offensive linemen have at his age.

We might just have stumbled upon something...THANKS TO DOCKERY.

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I have had the same injury - I actually ended up with two herniated disks - the surgery was amazing and I am able to be as physical now as I was prior to the surgery - Big Mike will be fine - the surgery made him feel like a new man. I think he has matured as well - he seems to have a realistic and motivated attitude - that along with the pain alleviated in his back should make him a beast on the O - Line. :dallasuck

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