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With people looking all over the internet for pics, I thought I'd index our own staff's photos, since those don't show up easily in google, and they're kind of hard to find in a normal search on here. And I also added this link to the Info Index. These are all taken by either themurf, JimmiJo, or TK.


Edit: May as well throw this pic up too, while we're at it:

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Yeah it did. I had to do a couple different advanced searches and then tag all the threads one by one. It wasn't that bad though.

Its amazing because I was thinking this for a while now and to just come into the message board and see it all there and even organized is really cool. Really appreciate it

Its a shame more poeople don't make more redskin signatures and Wall papers because this is a gold mine. The staff usually take the best pictures, I know me and LeFt will be in there for hours.

I have been wanting to make a Rocky McIntosh sig for a while now and only had his roster pic, so many great pictures and HI RES!!

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BTW, redskins.com has some pics. Look under multimedia...

My fave is this one because I just bought that jersey a few weeks ago. It's the only good, sharp pic I can find of Rogers in that game, showing the GU.

Man, I wish we had the pics from the 75th anni game in 2007. It seems to be very hard to find those, for some reason. They are few and far between...


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I thought we were going to see pictures of you all so I could hunt some of you down!!!

Kidding of course.

Thanks for doing this Mark, I really like looking at pictures.

Also, do you know if there will be anymore of the HD photos out, I remember in 2007 there were some put out, I think I recall TK saying it was a one time thing, but I'm not sure, do you know?


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...Also, do you know if there will be anymore of the HD photos out, I remember in 2007 there were some put out, I think I recall TK saying it was a one time thing, but I'm not sure, do you know?


I believe TK was the one who took those. I agree, Hi-Res pics would be nice, but there are obvious technical complications with that. But I wouldn't be opposed to, say, one in ten in hi res? A particularly good shot in hi res? Is that asking too much? Maybe. There might be league rules - I'm not sure. I'll look into it...
LOL I was hoping for the same :)

I know what TK and MTH, PCS, and Zoony look like. I would love to see a pic of Jumbo and Art.

Then my life would be complete.

I do have a pic of Art on my HD somewhere. Jumbo, however, is a mystery...
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Man, I wish we had the pics from the 75th anni game in 2007. It seems to be very hard to find those, for some reason. They are few and far between...

I'm not going to lie, I wish we used those uniforms all season, I love the way they look a lot better than our current ones. Maybe it's because it's different or something, but I really enjoyed them.

I wish I could help you find some, unfortunately you probably have all of the ones that I would be able to find.

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That's an old pic. I don't see murf or TK...

Is Diehard in that pic?

Which one is he. I have seen him before but don't recognize him in that pic.

It would be nice if the mods list post included photo's. :-)

I will donate $100 to Jumbo's favorite charity for a recent pic of him. :-)

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Is Diehard in that pic?

Which one is he. I have seen him before but don't recognize him in that pic.

It would be nice if the mods list post included photo's. :-)

I will donate $100 to Jumbo's favorite charity for a recent pic of him. :-)

DH is the one on the lower right.

Now - that guy in the lower left. He - I don't recognize. But he looks like a big guy. Given Jumbo's name - maybe that's him. :)

The other guy I don't recognize is the guy in the upper right - the skinny guy. That could be anybody: Henry, iheart, Pete, who knows? I don't think it's Om though.

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