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JS: Pewaukee officer accused of trying to line up date with suspect


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Pewaukee officer accused of trying to line up date with suspect

Sergeant repeatedly tried to call suspect she considered 'hot,' charging document says

By Mike Johnson of the Journal Sentinel

City of Pewaukee – The city's acting police chief is seeking the firing of a sergeant he accuses of lying and inappropriate conduct, including trying to date a suspect under investigation.

Sgt. Cher Sneider, while off duty, had an on-duty patrol officer on May 10, 2008, tap into a secure police database to get Sneider the phone number of a man who was under investigation by the department, according to administrative charges filed against her.


Sneider thought the man was "hot" and wanted to call him so she could go out with him, the charging document says.

The man, identified only as John Doe in the document, was a city resident with a known criminal history with the department. At the time, city police were investigating him and his residence on suspicion of illegal activity, including illegal drugs, the charging document states.

Sneider made four calls with her personal cell phone to the man's residence on May 10, 2008, one call the following day and two calls on May 17, 2008, the document says. She also stopped at his home May 11, but he wasn't there, the document states.

During the investigation into Sneider, she denied that she requested the man's number from the patrol officer, that she attempted to contact him and that she had a personal interest in him, the document says. Sneider has been on paid administrative leave since November.

Police Department rules require that officers engage in professional conduct, refrain from associating with people of questionable character, use city resources only for work and "speak the truth at all times."

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