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Limbaugh's living large while radio boss Clear Channel implodes


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True there is no way to blame him for getting paid what I'm sure he rightfully deserves.

It's the fact that he seems to be playing down the recession, joking about his success while others are struggling that shows he's out of touch with the majority of people. I'd compare it to the Bush Clinton debate when the woman asked Bush how he was affected by the struggling economy and Bush gave an answer basically coming off like, What ever do you mean? I'm rich!.

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True there is no way to blame him for getting paid what I'm sure he rightfully deserves.

It's the fact that he seems to be playing down the recession, joking about his success while others are struggling that shows he's out of touch with the majority of people. I'd compare it to the Bush Clinton debate when the woman asked Bush how he was affected by the struggling economy and Bush gave an answer basically coming off like, What ever do you mean? I'm rich!.

He loves to brag about himself on the show, and I'm sure he just means it as a joke.

What bothers me though, is that if a liberal made the same comments he'd jump all over them.

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Typical liberalism.

Blame those that are successful (Limbaugh, despite his huge salary still turns a profit for Clear Channel) and throws a pity party for the failures in life.

There's two options. Govern A down to B or provide the opportunity for B to rise up to A's level.

It's obvious by the welfare state in which we live what has won.

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