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Gil Brandt responds to me.


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I'm a Steelers fan, so I bring up Ben. And I wouldn't call him "average" at all. Top 5 definitely (arguably top 3 since he always finds a way to win).

Mike (the topic starter) is actually a good friend of mine from VA and we usually talk friendly trash between teams (I have nothing against the Skins, just putting in my 2 cents that Jason Campbell is the problem with your team).

your Lakers and Yankees are doing good this year...:doh:

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All I hear you Skins fans do is whine about how Campbell is learning his 4th system, he doesn't have elite receivers, or his offensive line sucks (though it was fine up until it was exposed by the Steelers ).

These are all terrible excuses. Look at Big Ben. He has played with a piss poor OL, has average receivers, and still manages to get the job done. I know our defense is the best but yours isn't too shabby either. Skins have a great secondary and are good at stopping the run (even though your pass rush needs an upgrade). The bottom line is Jason Campbell is a horrible quarterback. He can't convert on 3rd and anything past 8 (checkdowns for 4-5 yards to help his stats) and doesn't take any risks downfield.. Last time I remember you guys making the playoffs is when Collins had to fix the mess Campbell caused during the regular season and win out. If I were any of you, I would pray you guys draft Sanchez!!!

Although you're a little off base, I agree with you about Ben. I love watching him play and think he is exactly who the Skins should compare Campbell to. Ben makes plays when nothing is there and Campbell does not. I think some of that is due to Campbell's constantly being put in a new system and that he's not comfortable yet. Campbell doesn't suck, but he needs to make everyone around him better instead of relying on everything else having to go perfectly for him to do well. You're right, it's time to stop making excuses for Campbell and it's time for him to start making more plays.

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I'm a Steelers fan, so I bring up Ben. And I wouldn't call him "average" at all. Top 5 definitely (arguably top 3 since he always finds a way to win).

Mike (the topic starter) is actually a good friend of mine from VA and we usually talk friendly trash between teams (I have nothing against the Skins, just putting in my 2 cents that Jason Campbell is the problem with your team).

I gathered that. I don't consider Ben to be average either, and that's my point. Ben had a very smooth path to success. Part of it is his talent, and part of it is the opportunity his team as a whole provided to him. Ben is a very good QB.

We don't have the same luxury with Campbell, but that's not necessarily because "Campbell sucks". Different guys develop at different speeds. You don't need to have a top 5 QB to win in this league, and there's plenty of room for the Kerry Collins and Chris Chandler types to win if they have some support. We unfortunately don't have a team that seems to recognize that, and so we're left to pine away for some sort of imaginary or fictional QB who will lead us - all by himself, more or less - to the promised land.

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your Lakers and Yankees are doing good this year...:doh:

Raised a Steelers fan. Dad is from Pittsburgh (so yes I am a Penguins and (hate to admit) Pirates fan). Nice try though :hysterical:

Oh and you can ask Mike himself, I called us winning the Superbowl before the season started :D

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