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Mark it down, Scott Peterson is gonna walk.


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from Code,

but I would rather have 10 guilty guys go free than have 1 innocent guy go to jail.

And then if one of them later, a) killed your Mom, B) raped your wife, or c) molested your child, you would say what?

Doubt can be found by anyone looking for it. As can guilt.

In trying to seek the TRUTH, I am convinced he did it. Therefore I would have found him guilty. And would have voted for the death penalty if it would have been up to the jury.

His jury wanted to find reasonable doubt. So they did. But that's just my opinion, and we all no what they're like.


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The best debunking of the police conspiracy theory against OJ came from Vincent Bugliosi's book (title escapes me). Bugliosi also made the case - a very convincing one BTW - that even if you ignore all of the supposedly tainted blood evidence, there still in fact was a mountain of evidence against OJ such that he should have been found guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

OJ is guilty, and should have been found guilty.

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