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Washington shelved report of 44-trillion-dollar deficit

The Evil Genius

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Several questions come to mind.....

a) Anyone wish that someone in authority, who actually cared about the people in this country and that of their children and grandchildren, would simply sit down with a red pen and start eliminating programs that obviously aren't working in this country. Kinda like the president in "Dave" when he needed to find money for that children's program? And... a great start would be every program not envisioned or granted by the Constitution.

b)Does anyone feel like other countries, including China and Russia, are just sitting back and waiting for the US to implode on itself due to this ridiculous spending we allow our govt. to embark on? 44 Trillion dollar deficit is certainly worth cooking up some popcorn and grabbing a vanilla coke and sitting back and watching...using only patience to acquire the desired result.

c)Wouldn't it not be in our best interest to eliminate the "lifer" politicians who continue to spend our grandchildren's money? Wouldn't 2-year term limits, meaning they can only stay in office for two years at a time be an adequate soluton to these "lifers" who believe our money is similar to Monopoly money better spent by them than us?

e)Does it not seem obvious that our income tax code is fatally flawed, and that the only way to accurately collect taxes from everyone is to inact a Fair Tax/Consumption tax to pay for the truly NECESSARY spending by the Federal Govt.... which would include TRUE Homeland Defense and Country infrastructure? A tax that would encompass those entities that embark on illegal activitities yet still need to spend the money they accumulate.

f)Does anyone else see how the influx of illegal aliens is further crushing our ability to afford even the basic federal services ACTUALLY given to the Federal Govt. by our constitution? I'm not even talking about the failed social programs NOT envisioned by our forefathers. Deport all illegal aliens (for they have embarked on stealing from the citizens of this country by receiving benefits and have already exhibited illegal behaviour by entering this country through illegal means), make citizens of all legal aliens that meet the preferred criteria, and set up a state mandated guest worker program designed to allow migratory workers to work here with an aim to keeping our agricultural sliver of our economy growing. They should be monitored, required to make themselves present for case evaluation on a bi-annual basis, and deported permanently for any felon conviction. They are, of course, guests of the states and given the priviledge to work in this country.

g)That the Dept. of Education continues to fail our future generations, teaching them less about actual skills to THRIVE in a capitalist society and more about how to SURVIVE in a Socialistic one.... the latter being the "hidden" agenda of the Left Wing Bleeding Heart/ Everything is the Govt.'s Fault/ Don't worry, you don't have to take personal responsibility for your failure and misjudgement/ party?

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The Tax problem HAS to be addressed, Yet no DEM or GOP candidate has the balls to do so in the way it needs to be.

The income tax and IRS should be eliminated...period.

A national sales tax would tax people based on their own consumption and EVERYONE would pay. As it is now, EVERYONE that earns their living under the table or illegally, like Drug Dealers or Prostitutes or what ever, doesn't pay taxes. There are so many foreigners here too that don't pay taxes. It's sickning.

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