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CNN: Bernanke: Bail out bad borrowers, too

Redskins Diehard

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We are in an age of rewarding failure and punishing success.

No.. not at all. Obama told Joe the Plumber that he didn't want to punish his success.... he just wanted to give those people behind Joe a chance at success. :doh:

The writing was on the wall... as clear as can be... yet the dumbing down of American youth propelled this socialist right into the white house and he plans to convert America into his dream state... a bankrupt socialist hell hole where the earners pay for those who sit home and continue making poor decisions.

Obama..."Yes we can"

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Unless you are sadist, punishing people who made bad decisions isn't an end, it's a means to an end. The objective is to do what is best for the economy and, sometimes, what is best for our economy doesn't line up perfectly with what turns out to be the harshest punishment for "evildoers." For some reason though, many people can't quite grasp that concept.

I think you got us wrong; we so totally understand~ yet another cram down the responsible persons throat in the name of "good for all" - I'm chocking already

Moreover, the notion that CEOs of big banks and top bankers are getting away from the mess they helped to create isn't accurate. These guys are typically compensated, at least in part, with stock. Guess what's happened to the stock of many top investment firms, banks, etc? They're in the pooper in case you hadn't noticed.

They will only be in the pooper, as you call it, if the government goes in and gains total control of their "specific" bank and wipe out all stock holders and then give it back to the bank for new stock holders to invest in. Then, and only then, will they be in the poper.

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No.. not at all. Obama told Joe the Plumber that he didn't want to punish his success.... he just wanted to give those people behind Joe a chance at success. :doh:

The writing was on the wall... as clear as can be... yet the dumbing down of American youth propelled this socialist right into the white house and he plans to convert America into his dream state... a bankrupt socialist hell hole where the earners pay for those who sit home and continue making poor decisions.

Obama..."Yes we can"

It wasn't just the dumbing down of the youth; ACORN ensured that all people voted, one way or the other - not just students. I understand what you are saying, but there were some questionable votes; however, it was the stupid electoral college that put him into the office. So, what is their excuse; perhaps a date with pelosi or reid? :doh:

I'm not sure where you are going we the Yes we can slogan - but I would hang it onto it; we may need it to rally for the responsible people to have a slogan to dechair some politicans. :)

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They will only be in the pooper' date=' as you call it, if the government goes in and gains total control of their "specific" bank and wipe out all stock holders and then give it back to the bank for new stock holders to invest in. Then, and only then, will they be in the poper.[/color']

What? Are you just making this stuff up? No one has proposed that the government acquire control of banks and "wipe out all stock holders and give it back to the bank for new stock holders to invest in." Also, FYI, the constitution prohibits the government from acquiring personal property without fair compensation.

Also, are you seriously trying to argue that many of our nation's banks are in decent shape? I don't know if you noticed, but Bear Stearns got its ass handed to it, Lehman Brothers went the way of T-Rex, Merrill Lynch was about to go under before BoA acquired it, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac went belly up, and the list goes on. Seriously, where are you getting you info?

It's one thing to say the bailout is a bad idea, it's another to say "the banks are fine, there's nothing to see here, please move along." Dude, our banking system is on the verge of collapsing.

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It wasn't just the dumbing down of the youth; ACORN ensured that all people voted, one way or the other - not just students. I understand what you are saying, but there were some questionable votes; however, it was the stupid electoral college that put him into the office. So, what is their excuse; perhaps a date with pelosi or reid?

You are correct. On top of the mush head American youth buying his senseless blather hook line and sinker, ACORN did make sure every targeted voter in every poor area of every city in every swing state got out and voted for the Messiah.

In addition, the National Drive-By media and their dereliction in duty to fully vet Obama also played a role. I was appalled at snippets of the recent documentary, "How Obama got elected" or something like that, how many people knew all about the rumor Palin possibly covering up for her daughters baby and claiming it was hers...absurd... and all about the $150K wardrobe... but could not tell you a single campaign issue for the Messiah. Furthermore, true journalists interviewed people and gave them McCain campaign issues... treated them as Messiah campaign issues... and people didn't know the difference. :doh:

A New American Tea Party is needed.... it is time to march on Washington and demand accountability and fiscal responsibility. Unfortunately, to many Americans are dumb as rocks and simply do not realize the peril this country is in.

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Pick up the latest Time magazine for a good graph that illustrates the effects of TARP on the banks who have received assistance. It is startling. Yes, they were trending downward, but they plummeted after they recieved TARP money. It's about perception. Taking the money solidifed the perception in the market that these banks are screwed.

I agree perception is important, but I think that perception was inevitable. All TARP did was remove the shroud.

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