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I Give You......Mattrach!!! (Guitar Prodigy?)


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Alright, some of you guys may have heard of him, some of you may have not. But I find the kid to be a musical prodigy of some sort. Below are some of my favorite compositions of his. Most of these songs are completely made up by him, with the exception of a few covers. Now, you must know that he is playing EVERY instrument in these clips. Guitar of course, but also drums, bass, piano if there is, etc. He records his backing track on his computer, then he plays the lead guitar part over it.

Enjoy, I know I do. Oh, and by the way, he's a Frenchman! :silly:

My Life -

Dark Paradise -

Canon Rock -

Dynamic Day -

Undergroove -

Se Déchirer Dans sa Chambre -

On The Run -

C'est profond ça -

And many more I'm forgetting, but that's a good start.

Hope you enjoy as much as I do!!!


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