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Personnel Missteps Keep Redskins Back in 2008


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I'm very critical of the front office when it comes to their bone head moves, but I actually don't blame them for the Jason Taylor trade. They HAD to do it, and they were forced to pay the steep price because they had 2 DLs go down right off the bat in training camp. Where else were they going to get a DL? Draft was over, other DL were already in camp with other teams. They were just unlucky and had to pay a steep price for JT in the process.

Also, you guys have to realize that JT has been injured or played less than 80% for a majority of the year. If he had been healthy, then I might would agree with your assessment on the situation.

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"Hindsight is 20/20" has been our battle cry for 10 years. Bulldog is absolutely right. It's time to stop spending tons of money for old FA linemen and freaking draft some already.


People wondered out loud what the hell we were doing drafting Manuel White and Nemo Broughton in the same draft... And after neither have contributed anything to the Redskins... "Hindsight's 20/20!"

People questioned the move to trade a third and fourth for TJ Duckett at the time... And after it became an obvious failure of a move, certain individuals spout, "Hindsight's 20/20!"

People had serious questions about the health and age of our DL and what would happen if Phillip Daniels in particular were to suffer an injury... And after it actually happens, it's "Hindsight's 20/20!"

Unless Chris Cooley gets cut, traded, or injured, I can already envision people saying after Fred Davis goes onto another team after the Redskins... "Hindsight's 20/20!"

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Some of us have been talking about drafting linemen for years. Frankly, I have never understood the idea of having to have a so called #1 or #2 receiver or a big receiver or a shutdown corner yet every year I read calls here for those very things.

Draft big men who can control the line of scrimmage and you can get by with less talented guys who just have the will to win at other positions.

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As the saying goes: A fish stinks from the head down. As long as the skins are cursed with the present ownership this franchise and it's fans are doomed to live life sucking a few wins off the bottom of the nfl fishbowl. :mad:

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It's not really a "hindsight is 20/20" thing. It's like OK, that's the way they decided to go (the draft)... let's cross our fingers that it works out. We need the weapons for JC, let's go along with this... plus it's a BPA situation. Deep down inside you know that the way to build a team is in the trenches, period. What good is a QB like JC w/o Pass-Pro? The gamble was that the aging OL would hold out, it didn't. When you have a back-up C entering the game to replace a downed OT, you're finished. The draft was indeed a failure because they doubled-down in one direction with 3 eggs in one basket and lost in both directions. That's not hindsight... that was a gamble they had to know they were taking. The loss of Daniels and Buzbee was a "**** happens" kinda thing. Dealing away the #2 pick for Taylor makes the plan of waiting to draft for the trenches in '09 even worse cause it makes the possibility of getting someone anywhere near a Jake Long/Joe Staley type improbable. There's always the upside of those 3 receivers to hope for next year, but what if they don't pan out as expected? Right now it's pretty ironic that the last pick in the '08 draft is the only guy with real contribution to the season. Is Rhinehart so bad that he can't go active? That is one situation that I don't quite understand. :logo: HTTR

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It doesn't matter one iota how good any of those three guys turn out to be IF CAMPBELL GETS HIT BEFORE HE TAKES FIVE STEPS. The inanity of our FO in terms of our personnel acquisition defies description. OH YES LET US GET GREAT COVER CORNERS... well, you give the opposing QB 30 seconds to find someone, it doesn't matter how good your coverage is. Unbelievable.

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Great Post Bulldog!

The one OTHER thing that's been frustrating throughout this year is the lack of offensive aggression, creativity and adjustments. Considering the present corps of Skins' offensive Coaching, O-Line & Receivers we just cannot execute it anyway. Any thoughts of bring in an offensive coordinator to call the plays with Zorn exclusively as HD?

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