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It comes down to simple execution


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Ok, it's the Monday after the loss now, and there have been dozens of threads about what is wrong with this Redskins team. People blame it on Campbell, people blame our lack of pass rush, people blame our lack of O-line blocking, people blame it on Vinny for some of his decisions, etc. Some of these points are valid, some completely stupid (not pointing any fingers).

Looking back on the game this morning as the highlights were being shown on ESPN, however, I noticed a different culprit which has not been mentioned much. Our team simply did not execute on a very few number of key play yesterday.

First you have our defense... I don't have a stat for how many 3rd and longs the Giants converted on us, or how many of those drives ended in them scoring, but it was certainly more than 1. If our defense just makes one tackle here, one pass defended there, you take points of the board for the Giants.

Of course you have the kicking game... Come on Suisham! Make a kick! He started the season much more solid than he had in the past, but seems to have gone back to his old ways the last few games. The momentum from him making that kick and going into the half only down by 3 would have been huge.

On offense... there were a number of dropped balls in the game. Some of that can be pinned on the weather, but as an NFL WR you MUST make those catches in key situations. Thrash and Kelly had two that stand out in my mind from yesterday. We make a few of those catches and keep drives going, we could have put up more than 7 points.

But the biggest play for us yesterday came early in the 3rd quarter, when Eli overthrew his WR by like 10 yards and Hall had that easy pick with serious return yards waiting for him, but Springs came in and knocked it away. That play could have been a huge momentum swing in our favor, and no matter what the final score was, that play could have been the difference in the game.

Imagine if we had just made a few more plays yesterday... We make that field goal at the end of the first half, Hall gets that INT at the beginning of the second half when we are only down by 3. The game could have been ours to win, but on several occasions our players blew it, just because they could not execute when it was crucial they do so, especially against a 1 loss team.

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This team has potential. It is still a work in progress. That said, this team has shown that it is not ready to take the next step. Just look at the loss to the St. Louis Rams this year and how incompetent the offense was in that game. This team has made the playoffs twice in the prior four seasons. On paper, the Washington Redskins should be at least 9-3. Three straight losses at home proves this team is not that good. Yeah, they bested some decent teams this year. But they can't beat the elite teams like the Giants and the Steelers and are barley able to defeat weak teams like the Browns, the Saints, and the Cardinals.

This team again, has shown that they are no better than a 6th seed playoff squad. They are barely able to defeat the inferior teams in the league, but struggle like hell against the superior teams in the league.

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Agreed that this team has not lived up to its potential this season, especially after our strong start. What sucks is that our lines aren't getting any younger, Portis can't have more than a few seasons left in the league at this rate, so we might have to start rebuilding before we can get much better...

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Agreed that this team has not lived up to its potential this season,

When has this group of players ever lived up to expectations? It takes talent to be able to execute. If you have a more talented player executing against an inferior player executing...the talent wins. We simply lack talent on the OL and the DL...and that is where it all starts...everything else plays of those to areas.

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Does it take a rocket scientist to hand the ball off to Mike Sellers when we only need a foot? I mean, how many goddamned 4th and 1s did we have yesterday? Im not saying go for it every time, but when you do, give the ball to Iron Mike or sneak it with JC, don't pull the guard out or run some BS playaction, that isn't how you establish dominance.

And yes, our lack of execution elsewhere makes me want to kill myself.

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When has this group of players ever lived up to expectations? It takes talent to be able to execute. If you have a more talented player executing against an inferior player executing...the talent wins. We simply lack talent on the OL and the DL...and that is where it all starts...everything else plays of those to areas.

Umm, this group of players established our expectations for them by going 4-1 at the beginning of the season. Last season they exceeded expectations coming off the miserable 06 season.

It's not that the players I mentioned who missed out on opportunities yesterday did so because they are INFERIOR players, as you said, because it does not take a more talented player to catch a ball that is thrown right to you, all it takes is that player not screwing up.

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