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The assassination of Lyndon LaRouche and the neo-con pretenders to Reagan's legacy

Atlanta Skins Fan

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Dunno that I'd take it quite that far, Yusuf. I'd hate to see us try to "take" China ... or even our defalted Russian friends. Even recognizing that the U.S. military, right now, is at least the comparative equal of any army that has trod the earth throughout human history, I don't know that we could get much of a handle on true global domination.

And even if we could "take" control across the globe, there's the realities of what the heck you DO with it once the shelling stops.

Don't forget (taking the liberty of GROSS oversimplification here) that the Romans did okay for a few centuries. Their Legions were unlike anything the world had known. The Brits did okay for a while there, too. :)

The eventual problem, though, for any superpower bent on conquest, is not the conquest itself, but the subsequent occupation.

There are 6 billion or so humans on Earth. I don't know that even WE would have the resources -- not to mention enough MP's -- to administer and police the sucker. :)

Plus ... you just KNOW that whichever President actually conquered the Earth would run afoul of some former girlfriend's tell-all book and get voted out of office in favor of someone who campaigned on a domestic agenda.

Democracy is hell on despots.

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Well, think about it for a second or two. We wouldn't have to fight for everything first of all. Many countries, France for example, would simply capitulate without a fight. Others are allies and wouldn't need any real dominating. All they'd ask for would be a slice of the pie.

As for those that would require actual battle, you fight, win and install the govt. of your choosing to do the actual day to day repression while pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Admittedly, it's a bit far fetched. However, we have something at our disposal that the Romans didn't have. The information age has transformed everything from war to governments and everything in between. Today's technology makes much of what was formerly impossible possible.;)

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