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Who bought George W. Bush?

Atlanta Skins Fan

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OK, cheap shot. In my view, nearly every national politician is bought, thanks to our lousy campaign finance system that requires our candidates to beg for cash. So I'm not singling out Bush for being bought.

But my question is real. It was reported very early in the 2000 Republican campaign (long before the primaries) that Bush had a massive funding advantage over his rivals. This begs the question, who put our Manchurian President into play? Is this stuff disclosed anywhere -- dollars, dates, sources?

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Originally posted by chiefhogskin48

I still want to hear your condemning evidence that makes America an evil empire. I'm curious and open-minded.

Oh, I'm not dodging that. But I gave it my best shot initially, and AirSarge ain't convinced. Rather than waste everyone's time with a bunch of half-assed rhetoric, I really do want to try to make the case and will do so within a day or so.

As for Bush's backing, I'm aware oil interests were supposedly involved, but I'm looking for a much more granular view. Who were the very first to get on board -- names, companies, dollars, dates. This stuff has to be public record, right? Otherwise we'd have genuine foreign Manchurian candidates.

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Is it not obvious that George, who is a Texas Oil tycoon and was bought, not brought, into power by major industries such as the oil industry, is involved in a conflict solely to control one of the worlds most sought after resources?

But you're right. It isn't about us NEEDING oil, or having oil for the future.

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Open Secrets is a great site for this stuff ASF.

Here are Bush's top contributors:


Here are the top industries:


Here are his sector totals:


Here's Bush versus Gore in the sectors:


Bush had 119,213 individual contributors to his campaign directly. Of those, 64,680 gave 1,000 or more.

Here's the Presidential election by candidate:


Here's a list of Bush's 214 Pioneers, who are guys who raised more than $100,000 for him:


If you want to know where the money is coming from, look here, because this site has it for all political races in the country.

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Originally posted by Yomar

ASF, I think you would love this book, I don't personally endorse it, its an oversimplification, but it has some good information and I think you would really get a kick out of it. Here is the author's internet site http://www.gregpalast.com/

This looks like a terrific book, and it was inspired by the trail of Bush Jr.'s campaign money. Many thanks for the reference.


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It sounds like an Ann Coulter book, just from the left. The description of Cheney being appointed to the court is typical liberal nonsense. What "inspired" a man to work all that hard tracking down Bush's campaign money when it's federal record where it came from? People amaze me :).

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Bingo, Canyonero! But, of course, we all know that the Illuminati are really just a front for the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group, the people who really pull all the strings. Or is it the other way around? I can never keep these conspiracy theories straight. ;)

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you always have to question the author's motivation whenever you read something like this. But the book/author does point out some real problems, such as the difficulty many black voters had in Florida in 2000 and the gross, stupifying inefficiency of the IMF. But in my opinion there are better books to read, such as


but I knew ASF would enjoy Palast.

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