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Our Running Game Plan Against the Giants?


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So I was thinking about what makes the Giant's running game so ridiculous (Brandon Jacobs certainly helps in that regard), but also one thing that they do is basically wear out Jacobs over 3 quarters, then bring in a fresh running back for the 4th quarter. Why don't we do this?

We know the strength of our offense is the running game. Personally I'd love to see Portis take the carries for the first 3/4 of the game with Betts coming in for the occasional run to give him a breather. When the 4th quarter rolls around, put Alexander in. That's right, Alexander.

Despite the negative attitudes towards him on this board and his lack of involvement so far, Alexander is NOT a 3rd string running back, and not a career backup like Betts(and not quite so fumble prone). He is a former MVP and i think he can produce if he is given a legitimate amount of carries. While he has been called soft (something i don't totally disagree with), if we bring him in late in the game he will be fresh and going up against a WORN OUT defense that has been dealing with CP for three quarters. Don't tell me that that isn't a hell of a good matchup from our end.

We have Sean Alexander, we need to utilize him. Were gonna need to bring every possible weapon to the table this week and I think a little taste of their own running game medicine will leave the Giants flatfooted and off guard.

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I think every successful running team is doing that now. I was watching the Jets, and they have Thomas Jones and Leon Washington, both starters on almost any team.

The Giants have three guys that can run the ball.

I think this is way you have to do it in the NFL nowadays

I know everyone loves Betts, but I always hold my breath when he gets the ball

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I dont think that will happen. I dont think its a great plan, but its not exactly a horrendous post either. The thing is... CP has proven to be extremely valuable in the 4th qtr of games thus far. I mean, we started on our 4 yard line on that final drive against Seattle. Aside from the third down throw to Santana, CP took us from the 4 yard line to the Seattle 20 all by himself. The second he went out of the game, Betts fumbles. I think the way we are using our backs right now is just fine.

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I am guessing the Redskins will have 8 options on offense against the Giants:

Option 1: Pass, Pass, Pass, Punt

Option 2: Pass, Pass, Run, Punt

Option 3: Pass, Run, Run, Punt

Option 4: Pass, Run, Pass, Punt

Option 5: Run, Run, Run, Punt

Option 6: Run, Run, Pass, Punt

Option 7: Run, Pass, Pass, Punt

Option 8: Run, Pass, Run, Punt

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I am guessing the Redskins will have 8 options on offense against the Giants:

Option 1: Pass, Pass, Pass, Punt

Option 2: Pass, Pass, Run, Punt

Option 3: Pass, Run, Run, Punt

Option 4: Pass, Run, Pass, Punt

Option 5: Run, Run, Run, Punt

Option 6: Run, Run, Pass, Punt

Option 7: Run, Pass, Pass, Punt

Option 8: Run, Pass, Run, Punt

I hate fans like this. :rolleyes:

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I am guessing the Redskins will have 8 options on offense against the Giants:

Option 1: Pass, Pass, Pass, Punt

Option 2: Pass, Pass, Run, Punt

Option 3: Pass, Run, Run, Punt

Option 4: Pass, Run, Pass, Punt

Option 5: Run, Run, Run, Punt

Option 6: Run, Run, Pass, Punt

Option 7: Run, Pass, Pass, Punt

Option 8: Run, Pass, Run, Punt

What happened to going for it on 4th down?

That gives you a lot more options right?

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I dont think that will happen. I dont think its a great plan, but its not exactly a horrendous post either. The thing is... CP has proven to be extremely valuable in the 4th qtr of games thus far. I mean, we started on our 4 yard line on that final drive against Seattle. Aside from the third down throw to Santana, CP took us from the 4 yard line to the Seattle 20 all by himself. The second he went out of the game, Betts fumbles. I think the way we are using our backs right now is just fine.

The thing is that Portis is gonna have a MUCH tougher time this week against the GIANTS than he did against the SEAHAWKS. If he's still banged up from last week I don't think he'll be able to be fresh and effective for all 4 quarters. I'm not doubting his determination or heart, but this game is gonna be tough on him, he'll be taking alot of hits and we should give him all the help we can.

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