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Tens of thousands of dead Iraqis attend groundbreaking ceremony for US military bases

Atlanta Skins Fan

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Of course this being a free country and not an "evil empire", you can listen to anyone you want. You just have to take into consideration who you are listening to. ASF is the resident conspiracy theorist. Take it for what you will, but I wouldn't fall to far into the well.

ASF, I'm still waiting for your explaination of how we are an "evil empire" . What you posted happens damn near everyday, even before 9/11. Sounds like somethng someone like you would write if you were in their shoes. If we were truly the evil empire you proclaim us to be, you would have never heard of this story because those two would be under some jail, as would the reporter who wrote this. I'm waitng for your explaination.......

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Originally posted by Air Sarge

ASF, I'm still waiting for your explaination of how we are an "evil empire".

If you're not satisfied with the short version of my answer -- which is this thread to this point -- then the long version will take some thought. I'll come back to this thread tonight or tomorrow to reply; right now I have to work.

One clarification: I didn't say we *were* an evil empire, but rather the experience of the Iraqi war gave me the feeling of being in an evil empire. You're asking me to defend a more aggressive statement than I made.

However, I would be happy to defend the assertion that we are acting *like* an evil empire with respect to Iraq, and that national security changes being driven by Ashcroft are making us more and more like an evil empire, internally. In short, that we are on a path leading toward an evil empire, whether we get there or not.

And to avoid some of this cartoonish language, I'll try to define some terms, such as what might define an "evil empire".

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I find this tread very interesting but disgusting. When you say we are an "Evil Empire", then please explain how are we able to do what we want any time we want. Yes there are some new powers given to our PS (public safety) employees, however, you woudn't want to know the half of what they already know. I would rather have someone that has some ties or knowledge of future attacks to be watched 24/7.

I don't know what you are trying to say that WE were involved in 9-11. There is information saying we had an ideal it was going to happen. This doesn't mean we knew the time of day, who, what and where? Of course we know of certain type of attacks coming our way, that doesn't mean we can stop them. Take for example the government has been saying that they believe within 5 years there is a very good chance that we might get attacked by a "dirty bomb" or "nuclear bomb". How will you spin that, blame the government if it were to happen?

We are in a different world now, that means we need different ways to handle the threats we get. When I go out to dinner on my own free will tonight, go to a redskin game under my own free will, and vote for whomever i want under my own free will, maybe just maybe i will feel as if we are under some "Evil Empire" :puke:

by the way War is hell, people will die, but you don't talk about how the civilian casualties will kept low do you?, and how there are already some reports saying the iragi soldiers themselves were killing the civillians, but you might think that is acceptable since we are the ones to blame. :puke:

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At times I've wondered what it would be like to be in an "evil empire". As I look around at the shallow, commercial banality of American life -- barely disturbed by the far-away, silent slaughter of tens of thousands of Iraqis -- I realize: yes, this is it. This is what an evil empire feels like, from the inside.

Inferring you are living in an evil empire ( Which is horesh!t by the way).

If this is not what you meant, here is your chance to escape.

I recognize you are not making a partisan arguement. Neither am I. I simply call bullsh!t when lefties and conspiracy theorist sit around dreaming up stuff based on a very thin premises. Especially when there are young, impressionable young folks on this board that have yet to have the life experiences necessary to call BS on this type stuff themselves. It's fine to post opinions and articles off underground sites and all, because it is, after all, a free country. But as the old 80's saying goes, "Where's the beef?" Specifically, if you would be so kind as to make a list of the rights you personally have lost since 9/11, I submit that would be a good start to defend your "evil empire" assertation. What can you not do that you did before 9/11? Granted, taking pictures of nuclear facilities is probably not a good idea now, but I know very few people that do this as a hobby.

As others have pointed out, we are indeed in a different era/environment. But in the case of the shreiking story you posted earlier, don't you think an hour and a half of 4th Amendment rights of two individuals is worth national security? What is someone in there had been up to no good? Those guys were none the worse for wear, and as I posted earlier, this type crap happens all the time. Again, I have seen in my travels cases where these two guys and the reporter would "disappear". That is an evil empire. No one in this country has disappeared, as much as some people need to.

Sorry ASF, type away. I can't wait to hear this.

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Originally posted by Atlanta Skins Fan

At times I've wondered what it would be like to be in an "evil empire". As I look around at the shallow, commercial banality of American life -- barely disturbed by the far-away, silent slaughter of tens of thousands of Iraqis -- I realize: yes, this is it. This is what an evil empire feels like, from the inside.


I'll say one thing for you, ASF: you're always a crack up, brother.

Keep up the good work. :laugh:

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