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How much does M. Hasselbeck miss Zorn?


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I know Seattle has played w/o some of their top receivers this year but has anyone seen how bad Hasselbeck has been this year?

He's completing 48% of his passes, has a passer rating of 60 and has thrown just 2 tds vs 3 picks. This after a year he led the team to the playoffs by throwing 28 tds vs 12 picks and completing almost 63% of his passes.

A lot of people probably gave Holmgren a lot of the credit for Hasselbeck's rise especially since he coached Favre but Zorn seems to be the biggest reason for Hasselbeck's success.

Thank you Seattle for promising the head coaching job to Jim Mora and letting Zorn come to Washington! :cheers:

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Seattle fans are very regretful of how things turned out, at least from what I've seen on their boards. Every so often an "I wish we still had Zorn" thread pops up. I feel bad for them, because Zorn really is a Seattle icon. To have a hometown icon leave you and experience success without you is a bit painful.

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Hasselbeck's O-Line is banged up and he really hasn't had any weapons to work with thus far. Engram and Branch are back but not really game ready yet. They have no running game. Hasselbeck also has an issue with his back.

Zorn is just another piece of the puzzle they are missing. Their offense is keeping their Defense on the field too long. In addition to all of that, they are pathetic on the road.

I'd love to play them about now just to exact a little revenge.

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