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I read this from JLa's blog today and I just dont really understand it, maybe some QB/WCO gurus can chime in.

..."It's a whole lot different for Jason," Pro Bowl left tackle Chris Samuels said. "Last year, we would make all of the [blocking calls] and pretty much make the adjustments against different blitzes. Now, Jason has to make a lot of those calls.

"It's got to be tough. It's hard enough knowing the things that I've got to know. With Jason, he has to know a ton more, so it has to be hard."

Why put this extra burden on JC in his first season with the offense? Seems like Rabach and Co. can do an adequate job in calling out protections so why burden JC with it when he should be focusing on reading the defense pre-snap?

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I think the mindset of this thinking is how often JC was pressured this year, plus Campbell can see more of the field than the oline. As the season goes on though, I don't think this will be as big because Campbell will be getting rid of the ball quicker. Plus, if the D is blitzing Campbell needs to make the read to find the holes or see if ther eis man to man coverage.

If this doesn't work, or JC has trouble with this, I wouldn't be surprised to see Zorn adjust this as the season. After one game, he's already shown to be flexible with the offense to adjust to his team's personnel and strengths.

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I think the mindset of this thinking is how often JC was pressured this year, plus Campbell can see more of the field than the oline. As the season goes on though, I don't think this will be as big because Campbell will be getting rid of the ball quicker. Plus, if the D is blitzing Campbell needs to make the read to find the holes or see if ther eis man to man coverage.

I know in theory this is how it is suppose to work but at this point it maybe asking too much. His head is probably swimming with things before the snap there is now way you can play instinctivley when you are thinking too much.

I think of it this way...when I play golf and I sit in front of my tee shot thinking about where my hands/elbows/shoulders are suppose to be I hit a terrible drive. On the other hand if I go up there and just sort of do it without cluddering my mind with all the nuances I seem to hit a better ball.

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Naturally a QB is the best one to see the defense; no more nurturing, Jason has to learn to drive the car all by himself now. I like the responsibility given to him. We will never know if he is going to sink or swim unless we let him try.

The Giants seemed to blitz quite a lot, and we only had one sack. So the kid must have done average at worst in his first attempt. Good Job Jason.

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Naturally a QB is the best one to see the defense; no more nurturing, Jason has to learn to drive the car all by himself now. I like the responsibility given to him. We will never know if he is going to sink or swim unless we let him try.

The Giants seemed to blitz quite a lot, and we only had one sack. So the kid must have done average at worst in his first attempt. Good Job Jason.

Im going to go further. Fully put the O on him. Let him call his own plays at the line. Maybe even go No huddle for significant portions of the game.

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