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Farve makes it 100% clear who it is all about...


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Its all about me. It does not matter who else gets hurt as long as I get my way. In his attempts to come back exactly the way he wants he has thrown a friends career under the bus.

In an unaired portion of Favre's interview with "On the Record With Greta Van Susteren," Favre apparently said Campen recently made an unexpected visit to his home in Mississippi and said he had "an answer" for Favre regarding his desire to unretire.

"He says, 'You know, I know they told you they're moving on and playing there's not an option," Favre said, according to a full transcript of the interview obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. "Playing here in Green Bay is not an option, which that's what they want. They want to move on. But I'm telling you, if you reinstate or you force their hand, back them in a corner, they feel like they have no other option, they're going to accept you back."

"And he said, 'Just telling you.' And I said, 'OK."

In an interview with The Associated Press on Saturday, Packers coach Mike McCarthy chastised the Favre camp for putting Campen in a "tough spot."

McCarthy said the Packers told Campen to visit Favre as a friend, not on behalf of the team, once they had heard Favre was having second thoughts about retirement earlier in the offseason. McCarthy said it was Favre and his representatives, not the team, who turned Campen into an "intermediary" between Favre and the front office.

"I think he's totally, wrongly been illustrated in this," McCarthy said. "Ted would not even talk to Campen about this. He said, 'Hey, your personal relationship with Brett Favre is bigger than this, so don't ever put yourself in that position.' ... James was put in a tough spot. He was put in a situation that was purely personal."

While Favre's comment isn't likely to get Campen fired, it certainly didn't do his old buddy's career any favors. Would another team consider hiring Campen away for a more prestigious job if it seems like he's capable of undermining their front office?


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